4 Strategies To Stop Postponing Things

4 strategies to stop postponing things

If we reflect on what Kamal Ravikant once said: “The things I wear are my thoughts. That’s all. They are the only weight. My thoughts determine whether I am free and light or stressed ”, we realize that we must change how we think and how we focus on a situation to stop postponing things. These 4 strategies for stopping putting things off can be very helpful for you.

We have a tendency to postpone boring tasks, those we do not like, or those that stress us out, because we do not feel capable of doing them right. This phenomenon, to postpone things to a later time, is something we all recognize and most likely have done at least once in our lives.

But what this postponement to the future actually results in is self-sabotage, given that in addition to postponing the inevitable, it makes us feel bad. We get less self-confidence and that prevents us from enjoying other things that we enjoy doing. That is why it is important to change the way we think and act. Here are some strategies to help you stop procrastinating.

Tired woman with her head on the desk

Change a sense of obligation into a sense of pleasure

It is normal that the job is something mandatory and that we can think of many more fun things we would rather do. Thinking this way is a form of psychological torture. This leads us to  associate work with an unpleasant feeling that we want to get rid of.

The result is that we are starting to postpone more and more tasks because we do not feel prepared for them and see them as a burden. All of this causes anxiety, frustration and low self-esteem.

So why not ignore the negative in the same way that we ignore the positive? Why not pay attention to the good things when it comes to our responsibilities? We do not usually do this because it is not easy, especially if we are used to seeing only the bad side of things.

However, we should try to focus on discovering the things we like most about our work, recognizing their importance and learning new ways of doing tasks that we like more.

Set goals in a smart way

Fear of failure, personal doubts and low self-esteem are psychological factors that lead us to postpone things. If we achieve some goals, we increase our self-confidence and we feel more capable of coping with difficult tasks.

Therefore, an effective way to stop postponing things is to set a small goal that does not require too much effort. For example, instead of aiming to lose 10 pounds, start by slowly changing the way you eat. You can start eating more fruit and less fried foods.

Find a place where you feel good

The place where we perform the tasks that are so difficult for us plays a fundamental role. The better you feel in your environment the less you will put things off. Try to design or change your workplace to promote peace, inspiration and focus.

Decorate with some plants, colors you like, comfortable furniture and maybe even some paintings. Also get rid of the things you do not need. Keep your space clean and well lit. Every little thing you can do to feel better will help you a lot.

If you thrive, you will be more motivated to do things. And of course, you should also minimize any kind of distractions that affect your focus. Things like internet, noise, your phone and social networking will distract you from your achieving your goal. Set aside some of these pastimes that you enjoy, such as rewards, to devote to when you are done doing what you need to do.

Cleaned desk

Take care of your body

Getting enough sleep, exercising and eating a healthy diet are some of the keys to staying healthy. Developing good habits makes you feel more full of energy and less stressed and helps you to have a more stable emotional balance in life.

Changing the way you think is possible with these 4 strategies to stop postponing things. You will feel better and be more successful after trying them. You can do it!

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