5 Inspiring Chinese Proverbs About Love

5 inspiring Chinese sayings about love

It is interesting that a country like China, always plagued by war, conflict and dictatorship, is the source of so much popular wisdom. Therefore, today we want to take a little trip through Chinese proverbs about love.

Chinese proverbs do not tend to be particularly focused on love, romance and relationships. Their purpose is usually to find meaning in life, to find wisdom or to explain human behavior. But there are some examples that have to do with the heart that are very beautiful. Let’s take a look.

Fix your heart too

This is a simple but very symbolic Chinese proverb about love relationships. In general, most of us find it easy to look in the mirror to look good. We wear elegant clothes, fix our hair and use our best smile.

It’s not hard to look good. In fact, every day more and more people are spending time in front of the mirror trying to improve their appearance. But what if we spent part of this time focusing on fixing our hearts?

Have you ever stopped to think about how life could change if you put less focus on looking good physically and more on your personal relationships? The wisdom and brilliance of this Chinese proverb lies right there: it invites us to focus more on taking care of the inner world and less on the surface.

Life rushes by at high speed. We are constantly exposed to a large quantity of information and stimuli. But there is one thing that does not change: love. The deeper it is, the deeper the consequences. This is one of the most beautiful Chinese proverbs because it refers to the good consequences of our emotions.

This can be difficult when we live in a society of fleeting moments and immediate satisfaction. The mentality of buying and throwing away is in vogue. This is why this saying is so useful, for long-termism is much more beneficial in the majority of cases, including in the emotional sphere.

It is true that our hearts cannot speak, but for a good listener few words are required. We often find it difficult to let ourselves be led by how we feel. But sometimes it is necessary to be less rational and tie the knots of logic.

This saying about love is very good. Trying to explain emotions in words is not always easy, and it is often easier to let ourselves be guided by our emotions. If we constantly use logic, we will lose an important part of ourselves.

Listen to your heart

When we have to ask for something in connection with our feelings, it is very likely that we have received something about the hind foot. You can not go to someone and ask him to love you, because you will probably fail. But if you make yourself a person who deserves another’s love, the chances increase significantly.

This last Chinese proverb is not specifically focused on love, but it is closely linked. How many people do you know who do not dare to start a new relationship due to fear of pain and suffering? However, this saying clarifies that if you are afraid of pain, you are already suffering from pain.

These Chinese sayings about love convey traces of amazing wisdom in their words. In reality, the majority of what happens to us in life depends on ourselves. If we are afraid, if we dread to take the first step, if we are distant and artificial and do not listen to our heart, we will rarely find people who satisfy us.

These popular sayings are just reminders. Being happy, having more love and enjoying higher fulfillments in life is in each person’s hands.

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