5 Lessons About Depression

5 lessons about depression

Depression gives you no warning; they may appear in an instant. Although many symptoms can occur (some even in advance), the difference between having tendencies and experiencing the actual condition is as great as stepping up from a deep hole and falling into it. It can happen right after you have experienced great joy or just when you think you have achieved everything you ever wanted.

The look in a child’s eyes, seeing a sunset or other everyday events, seemingly friendly, comforting or even insignificant, can lead to the crisis. For example, to think back on our lives or to evoke a specific fact about our existence that still has unresolved aspects. That’s when the storm begins; the one who until now has been dormant.


Depression and learning not to worry

Do not worry. Anxiety about the future and changes in life lead us to a state of recurring fear. And this can lead us to a deep depression.

Existence can alternate between confusion and difficulty. It is therefore important that we do not rely so much on the circumstances, on what may or may not happen.

The important thing is to grow within our personal structure on a daily basis. Because no matter how difficult or negative the situation is, we will be able to solve it and not get caught in a maze of doubts and mistakes. Or, even worse, add even more guilt to our lives…

Analyzing your character traits and circumstances in your life with good feeling and objectivity gives you the chance to know who you are. Because if you do not know yourself, you are just like a leaf thrown around by the wind, without a set direction or power to judge and make decisions. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses will let you know which terrains you can and cannot handle.

Woman covered in flowers

For example, if your depression is started or promoted by alcohol, then the worst thing you can do is go to a bar and order the first drink. We tend to arrange the circumstances that cause us to relapse. We tend to appease our own adversities. It is good to be wise, to have courage for the things that require it and not to deny our weaknesses. This is the first step towards not repeating our previous experiences that did not have positive results.

Our existence is full of processes: some longer than others, depending on the level of complexity of the situation. So whoever avoids these processes not only loses the opportunity to learn and be more independent, but also creates an outstanding debt to himself.

Strive to understand that life is a mixture of joy and sorrow, success and failure, and that a state of incredible “happiness” can lead to great disappointment. For said “happiness” may be the greatest sophism of your existence. Furthermore, “happiness” is not synonymous with true well-being. The problem is that we sometimes confuse “euphoria” and “happiness”. The former is exaltation, the latter peace.

We can actually believe that we have everything: professional success, career success and even success in love. And even then, we can fall into the deepest of depressions. In fact, having everything can sometimes be the main cause of the crisis. Because it is very difficult, for example, to maintain a certain social status. This takes its toll on our social well-being and is often detrimental to our personal well-being as well.

If that was the case for you and you suffered from deep depression then it is possible to escape them. Especially if you have professional help and a good support circle. Obviously, a spirit will not come out of a magic lamp and give it to you; great personal effort will be required. But the goal is worth it. Ourselves and our recovery – these reasons are more than good enough to justify the work required.

Woman with big strawberry

These recovery processes are usually progressive, gradual and difficult. Time will pass slowly, and a single day can feel like a century. You must therefore be patient and remember that life’s big problems require patience.

Under these circumstances, it is a must to change one or more lifestyles to escape this dark place. Exercising and engaging in various hobbies that stimulate you is also important during these recovery periods.

Sharing different experiences and perspectives with other people who have had similar illnesses can also be of great benefit to you. Avoiding situations that lead to depression as much as possible is in many cases, or almost all, one of your greatest allies during recovery.

In high-risk situations or periods of crisis, it is best to take a break and not make hasty decisions or do anything that could even lead to the end of your existence. A bad or horrible situation occurs, and the next day life goes on.

Sometimes it is very strange, but true, that if a virtue of solidarity and understanding is revealed within the person, this can lead to some moments of peace and unexpected relaxation. Our own pain can be channeled through generosity when we are faced with the pain of others. Paving the way for the feeling of usefulness and value is a way to recover an unknown and very beautiful part of ourselves.

Suffering and injustice in the world can be a more valid motivating factor for focusing our goals on a more transcendent goal. These can be the path to personal fulfillment and a way to heal our wounds, while understanding and helping others with their wounds.

Person splits

But in the end, it is not something that is easy to achieve, and you need to be well prepared to face these complex and steep terrains. But just trying it out is worth it: for everyone else and of course for ourselves. We only have one life, and we must do everything in our power to make sense of it and go beyond ordinary survival.

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