5 Signs That You Are Selfish And How You Change

5 signs that you are selfish and how you change

As humans, we are programmed to take care of ourselves. But there is a big difference between taking care of yourself and being selfish.

Thinking of oneself is not incompatible with generosity, selfless behavior and solidarity. In the society we live in today, you can actually get many benefits by being altruistic and generous. Benefits that are also visible within us, which will keep our motivation up.

Many feel that they must be selfish because others are selfish and society creates enormous insecurity. But choosing a more generous life and becoming more interested in others and less individualistic is the best way to attract opportunities.

Humans are naturally selfish because selfishness grew out of the need for survival. But compassion was born for the same reason. In the end, man as a species would probably not have survived without the ability to form partnerships.

From this point of view , it is necessary to redefine selfishness and find the balance between our interests and those of the society in which we live.

Poor cooperation

Thinking about the best interests of society or others is actually an act that is also somewhat selfish because what in theory is good for the group or others also benefits the individual.

A selfish person cannot see the benefits of sharing his time, knowledge or resources. Selfish people just think that the only thing that benefits them is a true advantage or, even worse, that it is better to get a small advantage yourself than to share a big advantage with others.

Being able to maintain control is a good thing, but what happens when another person is in control? What happens when you rely on others? Can you practically be under another person’s responsibility? Can you respect his decision and follow it?

If you are selfish, the contributions and needs of others are less important and valuable than your own.

Selfish people must control everything that affects them, both directly and indirectly. This anxiety about control makes them overly critical of others and causes them to mentally revolve around anything that may involve sharing responsibility or losing some control.

Terrified woman

Cooperation requires being able to listen, make commitments and accept opinions as well as suggestions from others. This is closely linked to the obsession with loss of control that we talked about above. From this point of view , the inability to work as a team may indicate that you are selfish.

Collaborative intelligence or collective intelligence is very important for everyone who moves in social contexts. This is why collaboration is so important in all aspects, from learning to expanding companies.

We can achieve more if we work together, if everyone contributes what they can and makes this available to others so that they can continue to explore and expand their knowledge. If you are selfish, you will not be able to see this, because you believe that what others earn is your loss, when everyone actually wins.

Bypassing the error is a standard way to justify something that went wrong. Behind a person who can not shoulder his share of responsibility is probably a selfish person who only knows how to avoid reprisals or to lose face.

But taking responsibility can actually be very liberating, to the same extent as accepting a mistake others have made without judging or humiliating them. Accepting responsibility without the burden of debt is a great act of generosity towards oneself, and that generosity is extended to others when required.

If you are a person who is not happy with what you already have, your main focus will always be to get more and more, so that the needs of others fall into the background. A person who does not appreciate what he has will feel unlucky and poor, and will not be able to see the value of certain things, which even though they are insignificant are really what the person needs.

Worried selfish woman

Behind someone who is superficial and materialistic is usually a selfish person who is only interested in his own materialistic needs, and therefore despises and / or ignores the needs of others, including their spiritual needs.

To do good deeds selfishly is for the cunning, not the good

Showing kindness honestly is not as common as doing good deeds selfishly. This latter kind of kindness, which we tend to discover too late, has more to do with cunning and selfishness than generosity, solidarity and… Read more »

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