7 Things My Dog ​​has Taught Me

Living with a dog changes your life. It is not just a gigantic responsibility, but an endless source of lessons as well as well-being. Sharing much of my life with animals has made me incredibly happy, and it has also given me many benefits. Here are 7 things my dog ​​has taught me:

1 – To love unconditionally

My dog ​​has taught me the value of commitment and a giving heart. Thanks to my dog, I have learned the value of loyalty and unconditional love; love that says ” I love to always have you by my side because my life is incredibly much better with you”.

2 – To be patient and forgive

In fact, my dog ​​teaches me every day not to be angry. Life is not always a dance on roses and my dog ​​knows it. However, he can forgive any missteps or outbursts from me and look ahead; because there is a much larger bond that binds us together.

He understands me and knows the value of not having ulterior motives. My dog has true goodness and authenticity with him.

3 – To live every moment intensely

He likes to go for walks and he treats play and dinner as if they were his first or last in life. He also has anxiety and worry, but everything gives him joy and he seems to feel it intensely. It’s like a dog’s carpe diem.

He also spends time every day exploring and exercising. Not a day goes by without him doing these things, even if only a little. When it comes to walking, he does not care where we go; he is just happy to follow me and understand the value of those moments. No one makes me smile like when I see how happy he is when we go for a walk.

4 – To embrace chaos

I love his organized chaos. In the midst of all the clutter of toys and bones around the house, he always knows where to find what he wants.

There is no need to waste time organizing or establishing priorities; he is happy with how much or how little he has, remembers where he has it and knows how to enjoy it. If I start collecting his toys to take to his bed, he follows me around the house to make sure he knows where everything ends up. The most amazing thing, though, is that he does. If only I could organize my life like that without constantly worrying about being orderly.

5 – To enjoy the simple things in life

Listening to his peaceful breathing at night gives me incredible peace. He lies next to me and feels safe and loved, just like me next to him. I find it as peaceful to listen to him as to listen to a sea breeze or singing birds.

6 – To pay attention to body language

He may not understand what I’m saying, but he knows how I feel or if I’m telling him something with gestures or my posture. We have become very good at understanding each other, and there is nothing that slips past us. Animals are really incredibly good at perceiving emotions.

It is very common for those who share their lives with animals to feel that they really understand what we are saying to them. It’s true, they do it… I do not know if it’s what we say or how we say it, but our ability to communicate and exchange is amazing. This has really made me aware of what I can convey with non-verbal communication.

7 – To feel unique and irreplaceable

Dogs teach you hundreds of things, give you what you need and guide you through life. However, the best thing they can do is teach you to accept yourself and to know that you deserve love.

My dog ​​has made me a better person, and I know he will continue to do so every day. He has taught me that I can be intensely and unconditionally loved. However, he has also taught me the value of saying “I love you” every day, and also how to say it without words.

Photos by Annette Shaff and Christin Lola.

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