7 Life Lessons We Learn From Our Siblings

7 life lessons we learn from our siblings

We quarreled with them, broke up with them, ignored them, disturbed them, and did countless other unthinkable things against them. But siblings are one of the greatest treasures we can have in our lives. They are our “enemies”, whom we must fight the most, but are undoubtedly the ones we love the most.

The relationship between them can vary, but the truth is that it is normally based on unconditional love that never ends because it is contagious in the struggle to grow up together.

I’m smiling because you’re my brother. I’m laughing because I can do nothing about it.

There is no better gift a parent can give their child than the chance to grow up with a sibling; someone to share toys, love, happiness, anger and sadness with. Here are seven important life lessons we learn from our siblings:

1. Taking care of others

Having siblings results in you learning to not only take care of yourself, but also to ensure the well-being of others. With them, you develop a special protective instinct that you will hardly feel for any other person in life.

For the outside world is growing and we are changing over time. Between siblings, however, we know that our inner being – our hearts – remains unchanged regardless of the passage of time.


2. To be patient

Through the experience of growing up with siblings , we learn that we can not always get what we want when we want it.

Your brother or sister may be exaggerating, being dramatic, creating more chaos than ever seen, but in the end you know you will always be there for each other.

Siblings do not have to say anything. They can sit next to each other for hours without feeling uncomfortable, and they can calm each other down without saying a word. The simple presence of a brother or sister teaches you that whatever happens, everything will work out.

To challenge yourself

People with siblings know best that everything must be earned and that for every person who is in charge of you, there is another person who is in charge of him. If you have siblings, you have probably competed as a child. This was probably a source of continuous frustration, but it taught you to push yourself.

Sharing your life with a sibling has also helped you learn how to learn from your own and others’ mistakes. Their slips are also yours in a way. The same goes for their success.


4. To share

You learn to share both material and immaterial things: your space, your toys, your clothes, your parents and many other things. Furthermore, in the relationship with your siblings, you may encounter plenty of situations where you need to reconsider your priorities; over and over again.

When you have a sibling, you know that nothing is 100% yours, even if you claim it with all your might. This will be the object of endless disputes, but in the end it does not matter because it is invaluable to have someone to share joys and setbacks with.

Siblings also live outside the effects of time, despite all the years you have spent together, you will continue to share internal jokes, laughter, pain, tears and joy forever, because the sibling bond lasts and is unchanged forever.

5. To work as a team and negotiate

It is a tough lesson to learn that we are not the center of the universe. Having siblings teaches us that success lies in working with others and in understanding that there is no power as powerful as mutual understanding and a pursuit of a common goal.

It is worth putting everything aside, because the relationship between siblings teaches you that the differences are always solvable if you are determined and ready to work together. From the tenderness of childhood, cooperation and negotiation with them helps us to understand that there is strength in unity.


To forgive

Forgiveness is one of the most important things you can learn from having siblings. How many times have we not heard our parents say: “Stay together, otherwise…”. This threat did not convince you at all that your siblings deserved your forgiveness, but immediately afterwards you shook hands to make it look as if you had forgiven each other.

From that moment, minutes, hours or days could pass under threat, but somehow you realized that forgiveness was more beneficial for both of you. In the end , siblings teach each other that there are no insurmountable gaps between people who love each other, whether they are children or adults.

7. To love unconditionally

The sibling relationship teaches you to love above all else and appreciate those who do not say what you want to hear, who disturb you, who make you angry, who steal your things, who want what you want, etc.

Siblings can distance themselves from each other during different periods of life, but they will always be friends regardless; friends they did not have to choose.

You would give your life for your sibling and he or she would give his or her life for you. It does not matter what happens, you will be united by difficulties. A brother or sister can actually become a superhero in difficult times.

In short , siblings can make you feel something unique and special. To them you will always be irreplaceable, just as they will be to you. And no one can put a price on it.

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