What’s Wrong With You? Why You Do Not Know What You Feel

What's wrong with you?  Why you do not know how you feel

It is common to feel confused about your feelings. If you do not know how you feel in certain circumstances, it is not because you have a problem or because something is wrong. This is much more common than people think and you should not feel bad because of this.

However, you can do something to fix it. By knowing why you are sometimes blind to your own feelings, you will be able to understand what is happening to you and how you can solve it. There are a number of steps you can follow to better understand how you feel at each opportunity.

It is important to point out that many people do not know what they are feeling because they do not know how to interpret the physical signs. For example, all internal emotions begin with an external emotion. This means that whether you know what is happening to you or not, you can become aware of the feeling because it affects you physically.

There are various reasons that explain why you do not know what you are feeling or what is happening inside you. Sometimes this disconnection from your emotions can make you feel frustrated and even inside. You need to be aware that this is also a feeling.

We will now look at a simple explanation for why you sometimes do not know how you feel. This explanation will help you identify your feelings better and live a more conscious life.

Woman holding a cloud.

The feeling is on

When you start to feel a feeling, it is not always so easy to identify it. The physical reaction (the body’s response) can be confusing and may not be directly seen as a consequence of an emotional state.

Sometimes the action is so unexpected, you do not understand what is happening. That is when it is more important to actually know that you are experiencing a feeling than to identify the feeling itself as such.

There is a mixture of emotions

If you sometimes do not know what you are feeling as there is only one feeling within you, imagine how complicated it is when there are two or more. This can result in a complicated mix of confusing signals.

This mixture of emotions can lead to discomfort and confusion. You do not know what is happening inside you. For example, when you feel pain and anger at the same time, the emotions can be so strong that they can paralyze you and make you feel helpless.

You can not verbally express how you feel

Sometimes you feel a mixture of emotions that you can not express in words. The reason may be that there are no words for this; at least not in your language. In this case, it can help to separate your emotions to identify each of them as such, instead of tackling this whole mix at once.

This is the first time you have experienced this feeling

It is normal to feel confused when you experience a feeling for the first time. You can also feel scared. You can also mix it with something else. This is something that luck is solved with experience. The more often you have experienced a certain feeling, the easier it is to recognize it.

Man who looks worried.

You are totally disconnected from your emotions

You can feel disconnected from your emotions due to many different reasons. You have probably suppressed your emotions in the past as a defense mechanism, which nowadays means that you can not clearly see what you really feel.

This generally begins way as an attempt not to feel negative emotions. However, in the end, you can not feel anything at all.

The first thing you need to do to get in touch with your emotions is to be aware that they are there. This is not always easy, but sometimes you just need to breathe and let your emotions flow. If it is too difficult for you, it can help with meditation or mindfulness.

We need to get in touch with ourselves to get in touch with what we feel. If this becomes too difficult, you can always ask for help. Sometimes we just need support to be able to give feedback to our emotions.

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