The 6 Best Books On Introverted Personalities

The 6 best books on introverted personalities

Books about introverted personalities are a great way to get rid of various false myths about this personality type. For example, it is not true that introverts hate to interact with people, that they are very shy or that they use silence as a shield.

Our society has valued extroverted traits for a long time, which is why it’s worth exploring the introverted side a little more.

One mistake many of us make is that we see these two different personality types as complete opposites. It is actually good to remember that  we are all on one spectrum. Therefore, you may have either extroverted or introverted behaviors depending on the context and situation. But we will still lean a little more to one side than to the other.

One thing we should sort out from the beginning is that much of the information you find on this subject will have to do with “popular psychology” rather than reviewed scientific studies.

It was a long time since Carl Jung coined the terms “introversion-extroversion” in his book  Psychological Types. In fact, it was not long ago that interest in introverted personalities reached a new peak – at the beginning of the 2000s.

Then neuropsychological research began to be performed, to be able to explain how introverted brains process information. It’s also the same golden era when books like “Silence: The Importance of Introverts in a Society Where Everyone Is Heard and Seen,” by Susan Cain came out. Slowly but surely we are beginning to see the start of a whole new science of introverted personalities.

It is also worth pointing out that unreliable and reliable research is mixed today. We do not address it for no reason. It is common to come across classic articles that look at introverted personalities as if they had amazing, magical virtues.

But  introverts have to deal with their limitations just like extroverts. They are working on getting to know themselves a little better, with all their best and worst skills. They also learn strategies to reach their highest potential.

One way to do this is by reading some of the many helpful books or peer-reviewed scientific journals available.

Lonely person

You may not have noticed,  but many of our classic, literary works have unforgettable characters that were obviously introverted. These include Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, the portrait of the “Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Anne Elliot from Jane Austen’s novel  Persuasion and the rich characters that Virginia Woolf described in The  Waves.

These characters are fascinating and  gave us great lessons about overcoming things. Of course, they also struggled in complex psychological worlds that often pushed them away from their own society. The last feeling, the feeling of being misunderstood, is the most characteristic when it comes to introverted personalities.

It is also a starting point for many books by psychologists and journalists who specialize in the subject. Therefore, they try to explain why this feeling exists and how to use the values ​​of this personality type to achieve success.

Now let’s look at  some books that can help you understand introverted personalities much better.

1. Silent: the importance of introverts in a society where everyone is heard and seen, Susan Cain

An interesting thing that Susan Cain points out is how  introversion and extroversion are not polar opposites. They are actually two dimensions that can appear in all of us in different ways. But you need to find the perfect place that gives you the best opportunities to develop yourself. That way, you can grow psychologically and emotionally.

Silent  is an inspiring book that marked a clear beginning and sorted out many mistaken ideas. For example, how introverts do not have any social skills or how people with this personality type do not have a high chance of reaching positions of power because they do not have the traits that define a leader.

2. The Highly Sensitive Man: The Art of Feeling Good in an Overwhelming World, Elaine Aron

We’ve probably mentioned The Highly Sensitive Man  somewhere on our site already. Researchers estimate that  between 60 and 70% of all introverts are also highly sensitive. This book collects strategies, ideas and theories that can help you better understand this personality type.

The highly sensitive person

3. Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength, Laurie Helgoe

Laurie Helgoe is a psychologist, well known for her work with introverted personalities. In  Introvert Power  , she explains how to take advantage of this inner strength. She talks about channeling your energy  through loneliness and reflection, to reach your highest potential and have better relationships in private and work life.

It is a practical book where she explains how society has always wanted to focus more on extroverted personalities. She also explains how we can start to change focus.

4. The Awakened Introvert, Arnie Kozak

This book is amazing for one simple reason: it gives you mindfulness techniques  that are meant for introverted personalities. It also seeks to enhance the natural skills of all introverts, such as the power of observation, creativity and introspection. In this way, you can succeed and turn all the built-in talents into valuable tools in your daily life.

5. The Introvert Advantage: How Quiet People Can Thrive in an Extrovert World, Marti Olsen Laney

Dr. Marti Olsen Laney is another author who is extremely well known for drawing attention to interesting studies on introverted personalities. Here are some of the many things she provides instructions for in her many works:

  • How to improve self-confidence in areas dominated by extroverts.
  • Surviving in places where noise and overstimulation are the norm.
  • How to deal with situations where  introverts feel that their energy is leaking.  It can be about meetings, parties, events and many others.
Person in the field

6. The Hidden Gifts of the Introverted Child: How to Help Your Child Thrive in an Extroverted World, Marti Olsen Laney

We end with another book from Dr. Olsen. The book in question asks a very important question:  how can you help your introverted child? You often see the introverted child sitting in the classroom or on a park bench, disconnected from everyone else and in their own world.

There is nothing wrong with that, but giving it strategies from an early age will help it get to know itself better and make the most of its talents.

This book is perfect for moms, dads and educators. It is a simple guide to improving family and social dynamics, which is really interesting and useful.

Before we go, we want to mention that there is plenty of other material out there about introverted personalities. They are very interesting and important books, which will help you get to know yourself a little better.

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