9 Things We Should Remember About Life

9 things we should remember about life

Have you stopped thinking about all the beautiful things that are around you? When was the last time you felt grateful for the little things and the good times in life? It’s surprising how easily people forget what’s important and instead focus on completely irrelevant things.

Perhaps we should be in the habit of repeating to ourselves, over and over again, that life is beautiful in all its details and realizing that when you balance the two, good weighs heavier than evil.

Woman with dandelion

When things do not go as expected, when you feel depressed or when the world seems to be collapsing under your feet, remember the following “facts” about life:

1. Being busy is not synonymous with being productive. Everyone around us is stressed out, but that does not mean that they are necessarily doing something to fulfill their dreams or achieve their goals. Running from one place to another, constantly checking the phone or attending ten meetings a day is not a guarantee of success… the exact opposite! Productivity is related to concentration and focus.

2. Fear is the reason for your cancellation. Be careful with fear; it loves to kill dreams. This silent but very present enemy will grow bigger if you allow it. Fear prevents us from taking the next step forward and meeting our goals. But it does not end there (as if it were not bad enough already), because then we regret everything we did not do.

3. We do not need an excuse to forgive. If we sit and wait for everyone to ask for forgiveness, we will be angry at everyone! Forgiveness has to do not only with the person to be forgiven, but also the “forgiveness”. Do not forget that hatred, anger, and resentment make us sick and prevent us from moving forward.

4. You have to make mistakes to be successful. Just like storms and the rainbow. If you never make mistakes, how can you succeed? As long as you do not learn to understand your mistakes, you will not be successful. Think of the scientist’s attempt to find the real answer to his hypothesis, or all the times you fell off the bike before you learned to ride a bike.

5. You live life according to what you built. A similar saying is ” as you make your bed you must lie down”, and that is really true. You are not a victim of the circumstances, fate or whatever you now want to blame. Your decisions and actions have led to where you are today. You have two options: to move forward or complain about your mistakes.

6. Self-confidence is maintained from within. No matter how many people say ” Your hair is so nice”, ” What a good presentation at the meeting” or give you compliments about your grade on the test, it does not matter if you do not have self-confidence. Take into account the opinions of others when they are positive and constructive; not when they try to push you down. And remember: if you do not love yourself… then who should?

7. We are a reflection of those around us. It may be true that we can not always choose the people around us ( family, co-workers or schoolmates), but you have the ability to choose who you associate with or not. Try to be around people who make you a better person, not worse. It will help and inspire you rather than degrade and make you feel inferior.

8. Change is inevitable. We change every day, whether you like it or not. To begin with, we have another 24 hours to live that we did not have yesterday. We generally do not like the unknown because it makes us insecure. We stick to what we know because it inspires confidence. But this is not always the case; Sometimes change is necessary to grow and develop, to move forward and achieve our goals.

9. Live in the moment! There is a reason why the present is called a “gift” in English, and that is because it is a gift! This is the only thing you can be sure of: yesterday is gone and tomorrow is a mystery. No matter what you go through , you can change nothing but the present.


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