Limiting Beliefs Means A Limiting Life

Reality is complex, dynamic and full of uncertainty. Therefore, people with limiting beliefs and an inflexible attitude will not only miss the nuances of life but also live in a state of continuous frustration. This is because the world does not conform to their wishes and expectations.
Limiting beliefs means limiting life

People with limiting beliefs do not look beyond their own perspective. In fact, they are convinced that their own views are the right ones. They also see problems where there are none. In addition, they apply their own rigid reasoning to each situation. This means that they are not open to other perspectives. Whether they like it or not, this cognitive absolutism gives them a major disadvantage.

In a world full of change and uncertainty, only flexible personalities can adapt successfully. In fact, not only work and social life are complicated but also relationships. They all have their nuances and peculiarities. For this reason, people with rigid minds tend to face contradictory situations that cause them suffering.

Having a position means maintaining an attitude or opinion towards a certain stimulus. Nothing around you is neutral for your brain. In fact, everything passes through your emotions, your reasoning and your experiences.

An interesting factor, however, is that your opinions change over time. As children, they change, for example, due to learning and new experiences. Then, in adulthood, many of your opinions will be more or less stable. But you always adjust them.

You do this because you sometimes discover that you were wrong. Therefore , you adapt your view to certain ideas, people or discourses. This is because you are discovering new facts to take into account. All this helps you to survive and to tolerate complexity both wisely and successfully.

A man with limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs and cognitive rigidity

Many people have limiting beliefs. John Maynard Keynes, the famous British economist, once said that the problem with society is not that there is a shortage of people with new ideas. There are actually many of them. The problem, however, is that too many people are reluctant to get rid of the old ideas.

Many men and women, regardless of age, get caught up in inflexible mindsets. They are the ones who say to you “I have always done this, why would I need to change anything?” or “If it works, why change it?”.

This cognitive rigidity actually hides an element of fear. In other words, what these people do not know or have not tried, scares them. In addition, their strong stubbornness when they refuse to accept ideas and approaches that are different from their own is considered quite childish.

This type of people can be accused of not looking beyond their own noses.

Lack of flexibility and happiness in people with limiting beliefs

This type of personality can generate a certain amount of hostility. Living with someone who seems incapable of taking into account the opinions of others is actually complicated. However, it is worth remembering that these people actually constantly feel frustrated themselves.

In fact, people who limit themselves to seeing things only from their point of view will eventually face contradictions and opposing views. This is because life is never black and white. The fact that you no doubt know is that reality is full of different nuances.

We all have to live with contradictions and constant changes. For those with rigid thought patterns and a black and white view of the world, it turns out to be very difficult. Sooner or later, they begin to feel that they have absolutely no control over anything and that everything has become overwhelmingly confusing and uncertain. This explains why these people often end up in depression or anxiety.

A man who is thinking about which way to go.

The need to accept several points of view

An interesting theory on this subject is Herbert’s limited rationality. This approach was applied to both economics and psychology. It was suggested by Herbert A. Simon, Professor of Psychology, Political Science and Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley.

He suggested that we generally tend to hold extremely limited opinions. In addition , we make decisions based on emotions, not logic. Added to this is the inability to understand certain complexities in each situation and how things relate to each other.

In other words, you can criticize others for their point of view. But you also have your own shortcomings. In addition, you are sometimes fooled by fake news without first checking the facts properly. Sometimes you also make the same mistake over and over again, after failing to learn from your past experiences.

Why is this happening? Herbert’s theory suggests that it is due to lack of time. This may be true. In fact, you may not care enough to give yourself time to think through each experience. You can have so much going on that you forget to press the calm button.

Another aspect you may be missing is intellectual humility. It’s better to assume you do not know everything. This means that you become more receptive to other people’s approaches and opinions.

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