Why You Must Learn To Forgive And Move On

When someone hurts you, you have probably asked yourself “Why should I forgive the person”? You have probably also understood that forgiveness is not an easy task, and you may even have confused forgiveness with forgetting. The truth is that when someone hurts us, it is not easy to let go. Learning to forgive and move on is one of the most difficult things you can do.

Forgetting is a process of memory that depends almost entirely on the time and context you are in.  Forgetting is when you stop producing certain information that is stored in your brain,  while forgiveness is to remember but not get stuck in the emotions that arise from that memory.

There are not many tips to help us forget something because it only happens with the passage of time. In fact, it is easier to forget the things we do not have contact with. For example, if we stay away from a certain place, we can avoid meeting a person who has hurt us. Therefore, it becomes easier to forget. That is why we must take a step back and be patient if we want to forget.

Forgiveness, however, is something completely different. Forgiveness means that we remember what happened and the pain it caused us, but that we are still able to move on. This means that we stop thinking about revenge and how unfair everything has been, to instead remember feelings in the past without letting them affect our now or our future. If you can learn to forgive, you can move on.

Have you ever thought about the difference between forgetting and forgiving? Being aware that these two words do not mean the same thing is vital when it comes to trying to move on. Why? Because you will never forget who hurt you or the pain, but you can learn to live with it if you know how to leave everything behind.

to learn to forgive - a difficult task

Moving on helps us break the bond with the pain. It is about leaving the pain behind and letting the flames of your anger and your desire for revenge slowly fade. This way you can start a new phase in life.

In addition, forgiveness will make you the owner of your own time and energy. When a person has unsolved problems, his mind will spend a lot of time and energy on these unsolved tasks. Even if he does not realize it. Having to forgive someone makes your psychological forces focus on it. As a result, you may become emotionally tired.

Dealing with your problems will also make you feel more confident and satisfied with yourself. It will motivate you to move on and to be able to visualize the future without any negative emotional baggage. Learning to forgive makes you a person who can empty his emotional baggage. Thus, you will be motivated to face new challenges in life. You feel that inner peace is necessary to live a meaningful life.

It is important to reflect on an aspect of forgiveness that not many people think about. When you forgive, you do it for yourself, not for the person who hurt you. To do so is not a gift to the one who has made you suffer, but a gift to yourself. If you forgive, you are the one who benefits from it. You can allow yourself to accept the pain and the evil and then let it go.

Forgiveness is a fundamental step towards being your own guide and mentor. In fact, you may even have to learn to forgive yourself. In order to be the leader in your life, you must forgive your own mistakes, your slips, your weaknesses, your regrets and the damage you have done to yourself.

to learn to forgive - a difficult task

You will only achieve self-realization by forgiving  and reconciling with yourself. In doing so, you focus your energy on creating a better version of yourself. When you forgive, you have the power to decide what affects you and what does not. What makes you move on and what helps you forget. As a result, everything flows and you can focus on yourself.

Forgetting is not easy but it is not impossible. In fact, there are many psychotherapy exercises that can help you learn to forget. The first step to learning to forgive is to focus on the present moment and to own your feelings. You can make it! Just be patient

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