Generous People Have The Right To Say “enough “

Generous people do not close on holidays and have no office hours. No one rewards them for what they do, and they do not want anyone to do it either. Acting with generosity and kindness is the only way they know; that’s how their hearts speak to them.

But being generous does not mean you are naive. It is to have your own values ​​to fight against. But when they begin to feel exploited or exposed to selfishness, something within them begins to break down.

The second they begin to feel selfishness and greed from other people, the shadow of disappointment appears. They begin to stop hoping for something because they have stopped believing in themselves.

In reality, it is much more complex than we think. When people do something of their own free will, it is their spirit that guides them; it is spontaneity and their own integrity. But when other people break these principles for their own benefit, they can start blaming themselves instead of the person who is manipulating. It is usual.

They tell themselves that they are naive, that they give too much, that they can not find out things with their instinct… And all this negative self-projection slowly attacks their self-esteem in a dangerous way. Let us reflect on this.

When we perceive other people invading our personal space, we tend to use the classic defense strategies to protect ourselves. And on top of that, we hold other people guilty of their trampling. But with good people it does not always happen this way.

Generous people tend to look at themselves and take responsibility for the wrongdoings of others. They see themselves as too trusting because they will lose a piece of themselves and upset the balance of their principles if they raise the drawbridges to their castles.

But we should understand that we all need a certain amount of control. A personal limit beyond which it is necessary to raise our drawbridges so that others cannot invade our space. To convince yourself even more about this, keep these simple things in mind:

Generous people have every right to say “enough” without being called selfish. We know that the people around you are more used to you saying “yes” all the time, that you are available and that you receive them with a smile.

But setting boundaries will help you get to know yourself and others. You should know how far you want to go, and others should adapt accordingly. Once these boundaries are established, your relationships will be much healthier. You will also learn more about yourself.

If someone thinks differently, that person is wrong. There is no context where it is more necessary to set clear boundaries than in emotional, family or friendly relationships. There is no more caring and cooperative way to handle a relationship than to be able to peacefully say “no” without worrying that the other person will feel offended or upset.

To say “I love you” does not mean “I am willing to do whatever you ask me to do”. To love someone, whether it is a partner, a friend or a family member, is to be able to act freely in accordance with your principles, knowing that they will always be respected.

Before trying to convince other people about this, you should first convince yourself. It is necessary to be able to say no, and to say it out loud and with conviction, without being ashamed or feeling bad. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. You would feel deprived of your energy and self-esteem, and you would become something you are not.

There will come a time when you really want to help someone, but when it is impossible. You will not have the strength, you will not be in the mood and, even worse, you will not have faith in yourself. You should understand that generous people have the right to say “enough”. It will help you gain a clearer understanding of who you are and what matters to you, and you will show it to others.

Raising the walls around you is not like creating a punitive line overnight, when you remain isolated but protected from others. It is the exact opposite…

Drawing boundaries is not the same as raising walls. See it as a line of light or energy that you draw around you, where your energy, your emotions and your values ​​remain protected.

Doing so will offer you the security to be able to act with the integrity required to build authentically positive relationships. The people who really love you will understand, because generous people need reciprocity and above all respect, even if they do not want anything in return. Never forget that.

Photos by Karen Jones Lee, Miranda Klark, Art Graphic Swit.

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