Dramatizing Your Problems Only Makes Them Worse

Dramatizing your problems only makes them worse

How many times have we said “you make a hen out of a feather”, “it’s not a big deal” or “change your mind and things will work out”?

These phrases may not be very well received, but they are our attempt to make others see that a negative attitude and dramatization make the problems worse rather than fix them.

The best thing we can do when the problem does not concern us is to listen to them; it will give us the information we need to develop empathy.

But what happens when it is we who are negative?

When one of us goes through an unpleasant situation, the first clash or initial shock is what will affect how we “process” it afterwards.

In any case, we must lean on the social support network we have developed and the psychological strategies we have at our disposal. This is how we can feel better and overcome the setback.

Sad girl

Sometimes life hits us hard. If something is unexpected, all our personal and spiritual resources may not be ready, and we may not be able to withstand the pain properly. In these situations, stress arises. Our emotions take over and the unpleasant situation can be prolonged.

By not accepting a problem in our lives from the beginning and in the right way, we can feel as if we have lost control of it. We analyze it very negatively, as if the effects will be irreversible and the damage can not be fixed or minimized.

  • Read verified information that pushes the alarmism aside and allows you to stop dramatizing the problem.
  • Surround yourself with people who have been through something similar and who are no longer affected by that situation or problem.
  • Search for affection ; Do not act as if you do not need emotional support, because this scam can not last very long, and your discomfort will come to the surface when you least expect it.
  • It is time to exercise gratitude. Be grateful for everything you have because it will be the foundation to lean on to get up and move on.
  • Look back on your life and familiar situations you have gone through before this. Identify what helped you and what hurt so you can turn the pages completely.
  • Time is your friend, but you do not want to “fast forward”. It has its own rhythm to make the wounds heal; we cannot accelerate it, but must let it act according to our needs.
  • Stop “rewinding” and constantly put yourself in the moment that already occurred where the problem occurred. You will not achieve anything and not change anything. Focus on the present to make changes.
  • Exercise humility in life. You will only learn from what happened if you do not adopt an arrogant and vengeful attitude. Remember that by overcoming all these difficult times you will come to a point where you can say, “After going through so many difficult times, I am now just enjoying life.”
Woman on field

No one is clairvoyant when it comes to knowing how to live life well ; some things only begin to become clear after we have experienced them. Now is the time to learn lessons that will help you before the next stone appears for you to inevitably stumble across.

Remember that your true self will always catch up with you, no matter how much you flee. So do not adapt to a false attitude that will soon collapse.

Let that previous event adapt to your personality, to your values ​​and to your thoughts when it’s time to integrate it into your mind. In this way, you will be able to continue with the scar it caused, but without pain and without having to fake anything.

For all these reasons , you must not fall for dramatizing and repetitively assuming the role of victim when it is time to confront your problems. Even if you sometimes want to turn to them because it seems like the only immediate relief; it will only make things harder for you in the future.

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