Living As A Separate Resident With Your Partner

Is it possible to maintain long-term relationships without having to sacrifice your privacy and your private space while avoiding the problems that come with living together? Read on to get an answer to that!
To live as a special resident with your partner

Moving together has long been seen in many cultures as one of the most important steps in a relationship. But is it possible to live as a separate person separated from your partner and still have a long-term relationship?

In our society, the fact that a couple share space, routines and in some cases money and material things is a sign that they have a stable relationship.

More and more people today are choosing to postpone the decision to live together. But that does not mean they are not stable couples. It seems that the reason for this is that people are starting to enjoy living alone.

That said, it’s not the only reason anyone can choose to make that choice. According to a recent study, this is a widespread trend, at least in the Western world.

In other words, it is not unique to a specific country only or limited to a small region.

In fact, about 35% of people who live alone report that they are in a stable romantic relationship but that they live as a separate person separated from their partner.

These figures do not differ significantly between men and women. There is only a 1% difference between men and women, where it is slightly more common for women to live separately. The factor that seems decisive here is age.

Although it may seem surprising, it is actually older people who more often want to live separately from their partner. It thus seems that they are less affected by the social pressure to live with their partners.

A couple walking together on a beach.

To live as a separate person divided by age

Among the people in the study who were older than 51 years and who started new romantic relationships, only 22% reported that they had future plans to move in with their current partner.

Most of them considered it very important to maintain their lifestyle as long as it does not affect their relationship.

At the same time, about half of the interviewees between the ages of 31 and 40 who are in stable relationships say that they plan to try to live with their partners within the next two years.

Those younger than 31 see it as a decisive factor for their relationship that they do not live together at first. They also prioritize working life and development before cohabitation.

What are some of the reasons why people want to live as separate people?

One thing that plays a big role is if someone has lived with a partner before. Those who have it are more likely to prefer to live as a separate resident with their new partner.

Many experience that when they live as a couple individually, they feel freer in the relationship. They are given space to create healthy friendships outside the boundaries of their relationship.

They also feel less pressured about sharing household chores and sharing finances.

Couples who live separately from each other say that they like that they can maintain their personal integrity without losing the feeling of intimacy with each other.

Many of them feel that it also makes things much less intense if they should have to end the relationship.

Long-term couple relationships

An interesting thing is that this new way of looking at relationships does not seem to have any effect on either the quality or the duration of the relationship.

A very high proportion of people are still together after 12 years of living apart from each other.

It may also be that the idea of ​​”having to find a partner”, which was a great social pressure for previous generations, is beginning to change.

Everything seems to indicate that our perceptions and ideas about romantic relationships are changing in many ways right now.

A woman who lives as a separate resident from her partner who lives at home and reads a book.

A new perspective on relationships

This new perspective on romantic relationships is still taking shape.

But the people who are experiencing it right now say that it has given them a sense of freedom, both in terms of choice and the opportunity for personal and professional development, compared to people in traditional marriages.

It is also worth mentioning that the idea of ​​a relationship is something that is subjective. The same applies to our perception of it and what we think a relationship really is.

This means that many do not agree with this new perspective. In the end, it all depends on the unique connection and the individuals in the couple relationship.

Here’s something to think about: is this how we will see relationships in the future? Will cohabitation with a partner be something that is only meant when a couple intends to have children and form a family?

Is this the first clear difference between the desire to have a partner and the desire to have children?

The last question does not seem to differ much from the first question right now. The truth is that many people want to be in a long-term relationship but have no desire to have children.

There is no denying it: our society is undergoing some truly fundamental changes now.

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