Your Heart Is Free … Listen To It

Your heart is free ... listen to it

Your heart is free, for your true freedom is in it. Only your heart knows what you really want at every moment. However, you must have the strength to listen to it, because you will not always like what it has to say. Be brave and listen to what it means to you.

Your heart knows what you need. You just need to listen calmly to its message. Do not be deaf to what your heart wants you to say. Stop and listen to it.

Your heart is free, listen to it, do not sit back

A very common tendency in societies with a good standard of living is for people to be accommodated. In other words; if you have a job and food on the table and live a life that is considered “normal”, you will sit back and be content with what you have. It’s a trap that millions of people have fallen into.

This is something we have learned since we were little. Who has not heard their mother say that you should study hard to have a good job tomorrow? Living a comfortable life has therefore become a priority for us.

In many cases, this comfortable life prevents us from listening to our hearts, and this can cause disasters for life.


Your heart is free because it always knows what you really need. However, society is not as set up for our dreams and what we really want. It can be difficult to listen to your heart in a world full of duties and norms.

It is important that you learn to listen to your heart at every opportunity. You should follow what you really feel. This is the only way to achieve freedom. But if you just listen to what you have to do, to the duties you have, you will forget what is really important in life.

If you do not listen to your heart, you will never be free ; It will be very difficult for you to achieve happiness and you will live with many gaps that you will never be able to identify and fill.

By listening to your heart, you will be free

There are many reasons for you to listen to your heart, and it will make you free and much happier. We will give you some advice along the way:

  • If you are just looking for a job for the money, this will always be a burden and you will never be really happy with it. But if you choose the job you have always dreamed of, something you really enjoy, you will never see it as a job, and your obstacles will become a desire to learn.
  • If you have always dreamed of traveling and feeling free, do not look for excuses. It’s good to have a house, but it can be a burden that keeps you from moving around the world.
  • You may want a family, but choose the right moment. Do not go too fast, but do not wait too long either. Just listen to your heart, because only your heart really knows what you want. Do not let this become a weight for you.
Children in meadow

Your heart is free

Your heart is free and therefore you should listen to it so that it can make you all free. Never turn your back on your heart. Do not let your obligations cause you not to hear its voice. It’s never good to just use your head. Logic is necessary, but so are emotions and dreams.

Never forget that your heart is free. It is very important to listen to it, because your happiness depends on it. Always remember that you have needs and dreams. This is the only way to live the life you have always dreamed of. It does not have to be impossible, because it is nothing.

Photos by Amanda Cass.

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