How To Deal With Manipulative People

How to deal with manipulative people

Without realizing it, we can become prisoners in relationships with manipulative people who try to change our way of thinking or acting for their own benefit. There are different categories of manipulators depending on the type of control they use to manipulate us. If the pressure is very high, experts call this “narcissistic depravity”, and this is what we will talk about in this article.

It is very likely that you have seen various movies, read books or listened to stories about people who manipulate their partners, children, friends, etc. This personality type exists in many families, but we are not always aware of the situation. Furthermore , we can end up as the victim of manipulation without even realizing it.

Narcissists, as some people call these types of manipulators, are the ones who constantly tell other people what to do in subtle ways (or sometimes not), but at a very scary level of effectiveness that limits the freedom of victims. These people also often demonstrate other types of negative behaviors. Examples include exaggerated emotions, aggressive and threatening behavior, continuous lack of respect and contempt.

These people behave like this 24 hours a day without changing. The relationships they have with their victims have been fixed in this way, and there is nothing that can change that. If they do not begin to suffer from the manipulation themselves, they will not modify their behavior.

Above all, a long time can elapse in a relationship with a manipulative person before the victim realizes what is happening. The manipulator does not want to hear about what others need, thinks that everyone else is wrong, that others do things to annoy him on purpose, etc.

At some point, even if it is not clear why, the person suffering from the manipulator will open his eyes and see what is going on.

Think about what a spider does with its prey: it catches it in a net until it is ready to eat. Something similar happens with manipulators who live on the positive energy of their victims.

However, it is not only the victim who has shortcomings or problems, and it is important to remember that narcissists also need help.

Although everyone complements each other in their relationships, the one who has the most to lose is the manipulator, and not the victim. The reason for this is that the manipulator needs to “live on” the victim, regardless of whether it concerns intellectual ability, kindness, charisma, support, self-esteem, friendship, work, health, etc.

We always talk about the characteristics of manipulative people and how we realize that someone is controlling us. But sometimes we do not realize that someone is controlling us because we believe that this person is just behaving innocently as he is doing to ask for help. We are not saying that the manipulator is not responsible for his actions, but we must look at the past problems that have led to his behavior or his deepest needs.

When a narcissist meets a person who can be controlled, he tends to use that person as someone to put his past trauma on. A manipulator acts out when the victim allows it. There are even cases where the manipulator does not realize what is happening.

Manipulative people are jealous of what other people have and will use their “tools” to get what they want. The victims cannot see the maneuvers being used and are blinded by their love for the manipulator, which is why they do not take negative actions against him.

But this can affect the victim’s mind and emotions, much like a drop of water hitting a rock for thousands of years and eroding it. Some people have dealt with manipulators in the past and rely on their own internal weapons to make sure they do not end up in the manipulative person’s “network”.

But remember that no one is 100% immune to this personality type. Some people know exactly how to manipulate in an imperceptible way until the other person becomes their “puppet”.

Be very careful with the people you choose to be close to. It is not about feeling constantly threatened or persecuted, but staying on the safe side of relationships. Also, do not skip the self-observation; it will help you determine if you have the personality type that can be easily manipulated.

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