Phubbing: How Mobile Phones Destroy Relationships

Phubbing: How Cell Phones Destroy Relationships

Technology never ceases to amaze us. Every year there are a lot of new phones, computers and tablets, where each of them is more modern than the previous one. The same thing happens with apps and programs that give us many new ways to communicate. But the irony is that what connects us to so many people on the other side of the globe also pulls us away from the people closest to us. “Phubbing” is here to stay.

The first mobile phones were a real revolution. Everyone talked about how easy it was to start conversations with people who lived so many hundreds of miles away. After launching this new fantastic thing for the world, they then started creating newer, smaller, lighter models.

What started as a novelty became an addiction called “phubbing”. People are now standing and waiting for hours in the store to buy the latest model; teenagers who live to be liked on social media, which comes with a number of worrying ailments.

The word “phubbing” came from Australia a few years ago when they mixed the words “phone” and “snubbing”. We can define this as ignoring or underestimating a person or the environment because we are focused on our mobiles.

The addiction that some of these things cause distances people from the physical reality. Instead, they pay attention to virtual reality. This is today a very common problem that has become very controversial.

Couple with cell phones

The people who defend the new technology claim that phubbing is the price we pay to connect to the world at a low cost and in real time.

However, there are others who are very critical of this. They believe that society and especially the younger population may end up in an addiction.

The controversy does not only have to do with tendinitis, vision problems or pain in the back, neck or head. Accidents also occur when people are not paying attention on the road. And being obsessed with becoming popular on social media has its own physical, psychological and social problems.

Paying attention to the phone more than our relationships, friends or families is therefore a lack of basic respect and it can lead to serious problems.

There are diseases that are related to these new technologies. Phubbing may be one of the more well known, but there are many other more serious and unusual variants. We can generally treat them with the help of a specialist, but we must first understand that there is a problem from the beginning.

This is the need to always be connected because you are afraid of missing something. An obsession with constantly being on Facebook and other social media is not healthy. That person who constantly has to check his messages.

They can not leave home without their phone. They will also say no to certain living situations or hotels if they do not have wifi.

Nomophobia is the extreme panic that a person feels when the person in question does not have their phone with them. This tends to happen when the device does not work or when it has been stolen. This means real anxiety and panic attacks. These things have a big impact on them.

Their main concern is that they miss something if they do not have the phone with them. In fact, they often do not care how much it costs to repair it or get a new one.

is one of the most common ailments. The Internet contains a lot of information, but we must remember that it is not a doctor. Many people prefer to check their symptoms online, which leads to them being able to diagnose themselves with a disease that they do not actually have.

Woman at computer

The belief that every forum or website is reliable makes people hypochondriac. They may come to believe that they have a disease, which can be dangerous if they decide to treat themselves.

There is another variant of this syndrome where people think their phone is ringing. They sense non-existent vibrations because they are obsessed with their phone. Even if they have not turned on the phone, they will say that they feel a vibration.

This is one of the least known effects, but one of the most important and long lasting. Our brain gets so used to looking up things on the internet that it stops absorbing information in a normal way.

In the long run, this can lead to an inability to absorb information. If this happens, it will have a very negative effect on our memory.

New technologies can help us in many ways, but they can also cause problems. If we think more about the screen than what is actually happening around us, the consequences can be fatal.

Interacting with others and thinking about our health is much more important than the internet. This is something we should always keep in mind.

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