Superiority: A Trait Of Insecure People

Superiority: a trait of insecure people

We all know those people who present themselves as very confident and who brag about themselves. With their heads high in the sky, they behave as if they know everything and that no one will be able to reach their level. These people are known for their superiority. They think they are better than everyone else, with their admirers and victims by their side.

Superiority and self-deception

Think of the people who bully others. They are not as strong as they seem, because they need to hurt others to make them afraid and to gain respect. But on the inside, they know they are not as strong as they seem. They have serious problems that they hide and they project this on the people around.

The same thing happens with people who turn out to be superior. Behind all the disapproval they show towards their friends, there is a much deeper problem that they are trying to hide. This situation leads them to put on a mask, but this will never end.


People have a great ability to deny the problems they have around them. Sometimes even when they see reality in the white eye. Sometimes because of fear, sometimes because they find it embarrassing. Their biggest problem is the insecurity that plagues them.

Of course, self-confidence plays a fundamental role here. In this situation, you may either feel superior or inferior. People who prove to be superior mask their insecurities. They humiliate others so that they can feel better about themselves.

They will look down on you

One of the factors that can lead people to behave superiorly is that they were bullied as children. It is possible that when they came to university they drastically changed how they protected themselves from future attacks and harassment.

For this reason, they believe from day one that they must step on others to show their self-esteem so that they themselves will not be trampled on again. As a result, they present themselves as people they really are not. They will never admit mistakes; they will only blame others. They can also behave pedantically and arrogantly. They can have such a positive perception of themselves that they will be a role model for the people around them.


They are nurtured by superiority and need people to follow them and give them attention. If they do not get this, they will feel like failures and collapse. Therefore, they are very melodramatic. They hatch jokes about their bosses to show others who the real leader is.

However, this will end sooner or later, and when this happens, their self-esteem will be damaged. Ignoring a problem will only make it worse, and when it can no longer be fixed, it will be pressed against you with a strength that is difficult to counter.

Wearing a mask is never a good choice. The solution lies in looking for a balanced self-esteem that will make you feel safe and good with yourself. Showing yourself as someone who hurts others will not make you feel better, at least not in the long run. Inside, you will feel an emptiness and insecurity.

So every time you find yourself around people with this problem, be careful! It is not their fault that they behave in this way because they have gone through horrible situations. If you have the opportunity to help them, do so. Otherwise, you should distance yourself and let them follow their own path until they solve their insecurities and problems themselves.


Now you know that people who exaggerate – whether it’s safety, strength, courage or intelligence – and behave as if they are above others do so due to insecurity. It’s a way for them to protect themselves, even if they’re actually doing more harm.

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