7 Relaxation Exercises To Get Rid Of Anxiety

7 relaxation exercises to get rid of anxiety

We have said it many times, anxiety in itself is not bad or unhealthy. In fact, this allows us to relate to our environment with an appropriate level of activation. When anxiety becomes too great, however, it can affect our daily lives, and that is exactly when you have to use relaxation exercises to get rid of anxiety. Even though we believe it can not happen to us, it can happen at any time in our lives.

It is therefore very important to develop personal resources and strategies that will allow us to regain control of our emotions and thoughts. Because as we all know, self-improvement abilities can allow us to develop in an appropriate way.

It should be noted that not every relaxation technique works the same for everyone. No matter what exercise it is about, we should be consistent with its exercise in order to move forward.

Get rid of anxiety

This is a question that some of you readers may have been thinking about. Should I also do it if I do not have anxiety problems? When is it time to relax? We should first of all point out that everyone can benefit from the lessons that these exercises teach us. It is necessary that we choose an occasion during the day when we will not be interrupted. For example, if you choose the evening, try not to fall asleep in the meantime. The goal is to learn the technology! Let’s look at some of the exercises…

Learn to breathe

Of course we all know how to breathe and that is why we live. But we do not do it correctly so that we can relax. There are many different ways to breathe, but the type of breathing that basically all of us perform is social and superficial.

Our usual rhythm is fast, oral and superficial. We breathe in through our mouths with little or no use of the diaphragm, whether we squeeze the stomach when we inhale air or because we lift our shoulders.

We therefore only absorb small amounts of oxygen, which results in less vitality and endurance. That is why breathing is at the top of our list, because a good breath is without a doubt the basis for being able to relax.

As a first rule, we should point out that our natural breathing should always take place through the nose. That way we will filter the air that goes in and out because the nose filters impurities. And although there are different types of breathing, the most physiologically suitable is the complete one. We will show you a video here so you can learn how to perform it in a deep way.

Jacobson’s progressive relaxation

Just as Jacobson himself used to say, “to remove built-up tension is essential for this method” . Given that mental tension activates the muscles to avoid overload, we should understand when the muscles become tense and what can be done to make them relax.

It is therefore important that we are aware of the muscle groups that we can relax. This technique requires training to be able to perform it well. However, we can still take advantage of the resources we find online to put it into practice. Here is a video you can test.

The Silva method or relaxation with visualization

There are some people who take more advantage of a relaxation technique that creates a visualization of relaxing images. Here we have the Silva method and we can find many exercises with it on Youtube.

Schultz autogenic training

This type of relaxation is meant to create pleasant feelings and thoughts that allow us to relax. It is based on the idea that we all have the ability to change our lives by changing our mental attitude. Here is a 10-minute exercise that you can try out.


When we talk about mindfulness, we understand this as a meditation technique and a state of mind. One that creates a process that gives you a full awareness of your surroundings and what is happening around you.

Here is a short video to help us get started with the method to improve our well-being. On this page you will also find a course on “Mindfulness for everyday life” which allows you to develop a state of mindfulness.

Walking or training

Walking or performing any form of physical activity helps us channel the activation levels in the body. In other words, it helps us reduce the anxiety we experience. We also reserve a piece of our souls for ourselves, which is something we often forget to do. This undoubtedly produces enormous problems for us at every level of our existence.

Listening to relaxing music

Listening to music is also a great way to get in touch with our inner peace. Do you know the saying “Music calms the beast” ? Music really helps to reduce the rhythm of our mind.

If you think you do not have time to practice daily relaxation methods, then it is really time to start. The more you practice this, the more you will be able to move forward. Remember that 21 days is enough to create a habit that will improve your life.

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