When You Dislike Everything, It Could Be Because You Do Not Like Yourself

When you dislike everything, it may be because you do not like yourself

No one goes through or stays in an awkward situation because they want to. Not even those we call “masochists”. Deep down, we all want to find our peace and be as happy as we can be. But we do not always find the way to achieve it. And the fact is that the road ahead becomes much more complex when you do not like yourself.

Most are not born and raised under ideal conditions. And there are many who have had to face very unfavorable circumstances even from an early age. It is common for many to have grown up in an unfriendly and harsh environment, where they have not received any recognition or appreciation.

When you do not like yourself, you have to dive into your distant past. There you will find the reasons why you have learned to see yourself so negatively. That is why you have not been able to appreciate your achievements or realize your virtues. This is where the poisoned seed of wanting to become another person begins to grow. The seed that makes you believe that you want to live someone else’s life or escape from your life in some way. Fortunately, it is never too late to repair this damage and make peace with yourself.

This is what happens when you do not like yourself

What usually happens when you do not like yourself is that you end up not liking anything at all. The world always becomes a projection of what we carry within us. It’s not so much that the world contains pleasant or unpleasant aspects, but has more to do with how we look at it.

Girl with the sea on her back says that it's okay that you do not like yourself

If you do not like yourself, everything that has to do with you and your life will feel uncomfortable or worthless to you. You go from very happy to very discouraged very quickly and easily. Similarly, you always succeed in finding something you do not like in every situation.

You start things off with enthusiasm, but end them just as quickly when you lose that enthusiasm. You will always find something negative in everything and everyone. Everything that is basically neutral, neither good nor bad, you turn into something negative or useless. The problem is that you just do not realize that you are doing it. You just feel bad inside and that’s what you project to others, without you really meaning to do it. The truth is that you have an open wound and that you are suffering.

What happens to your life when you do not like anything at all

Dissatisfaction is not a fact, but rather a point of view. The world and reality are what they are. Each person gives their own special meaning to their own universe. Our perspective on reality shows much more about ourselves than about how things really are.

When you do not like yourself, you will find it impossible to find something positive in what you see, what you hear, what you perceive and everything that comes into your life.

Abstract image of man dropping face

One of the most troubling aspects of all this is that it, without you realizing it, becomes a habit in your life. Your mind starts working automatically. It always looks at things in the worst possible light. And because you always manage to find this negative aspect, this leads to approaching your idea that the world and everything in it is pathetic and miserable.

Without realizing it, you have chosen this way of seeing reality. But you did not consciously want to do it. It is simply a way of dealing with all the disappointments and rejections that have hurt your innermost being. Your disapproval of everything around you is simply your way of dealing with the pain of not liking yourself.

What to do and what not to do

What you are, what you feel and what you think have probably been ignored, discarded or simply rejected during your childhood. Either at home or in your immediate immediate environment. This was probably repeated time and time again.

As a child, you could not understand what was happening. You just grew up with the idea that you were either completely or partially “bad”. What is almost certainly the case is that those who acted in that way against you did not like themselves either. They projected their displeasure at you. They were in a similar position to the one you are in now. They only saw what they thought was bad and ignored what was obviously good. This is an endless chain that lasts until someone decides it’s enough now.

Ideally, you should be the one who decides that it is enough. You should decide to end your story of unhappiness, dissatisfaction and negative attitude. Of course, we all have an ugly side to us. But within us, we all also have a value that nothing and no one can question. We are not worse or better than other people. We have the right to make mistakes and to be happy. It’s time to build a new perspective.

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