I Want To Experience Everything

I want to experience everything

If we really think about it, life is short… so why do we not try to experience everything that life has to offer? Why are we not looking for the good that life has to offer? Why do we not capture it with strength and without fear?

Let us learn to live without letting anything get away from us. In this way, we will be happy with all the experiences we have managed to hunt right on, as the world’s best hunters, when we grow old. So that when we no longer have the strength to grasp the sun or capture the moon with our hands, we will be able to say that we have done everything we wanted. We had the strength and courage to live while we were young!

Woman on field

I want to experience everything, without fear or suffering. I want to feel love and take part in the small as well as the great pleasures of life. I want to laugh at good jokes and get my day lit by a child’s smile. I do not want to omit anything. I do not want to miss anything.

After many years and many experiences , I have come to the realization that life passes quickly; that our time is only temporary. So why spend these days worrying, sad, angry or complaining?

From now on, I want my days to be good, full of new things. Because what does it matter if yesterday was a bad day, if it was cloudy and if I was sad? I do not want today to be like yesterday; I do not want negative thoughts to flood my life.

Be aware of the small and big moments you experience, take full advantage of them and enjoy them without thinking about tomorrow. Are you surrounded by nice people, enjoying in a cafe among laughter? Be aware of it and enjoy. Did you receive a love letter today? Take advantage of the good times. Bad times come naturally.

Why not change your attitude? Have things not gone well for you today? Tomorrow is a new day. Have you had problems with friends or people at work ? Do not attach weight to them. Life is like a game where you have to face different challenges, big and small. Confront them with courage and feel proud to have managed them.

Do you like to play sports, play an instrument, listen to music, go to concerts, smell the sea or enjoy children’s laughter? Do not wait and do not think things like “I will do it another day” or “let’s wait and see if I’m lucky it’s coming into my life” – look for it right. Embark on a search for the things you have a passion for and devote yourself to them. You have nothing to lose.

Woman shapes heart

Do you want to fall in love? Do you want new friends to show up with positive things? Why not try to look for them? If we pull our straw to the stack, if we search for these things, then the chance will be greater that we will experience them. If we just sit on the couch and wait, they will certainly not show up.

Be aware that you can breathe, smell, smile, taste… so laugh, eat a good piece of cake, enjoy the scent of fresh coffee, listen to the waves of the sea. Live and experience every little pleasure in your daily life to the fullest .

Have you noticed how children live? They experience the moment, do not think about tomorrow, laugh, enjoy things to the fullest when they are happy… as if there was no tomorrow and without thinking of anything else. When they fall, they cry a little and then go out laughing to experience new adventures. Why do we not learn a little from children’s spontaneity?

Have you ever experienced that you were very worried and talked to your grandfather, who gave you a life lesson in the form of a story from his childhood? Grandparents are the wells of wisdom. They have knowledge of life and its secrets. They are capable of providing you with many things. Surround yourself with them.

The moral: “carpe diem” – “capture the day!” Take advantage of the moment, because the bad ones come by themselves. Remember that happiness is an attitude, so you can always build it. And to start, you can play this song with the volume at max.

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