Rather A Devil You Do Not Know …

Rather a devil you do not know ...

I stopped agreeing with the expression “rather a devil you know than a devil you do not know” when my math teacher got sick and another replaced her… We were used to the same teacher who had been with us for a couple of years, and we were not satisfied with the change. I actually remember how some mothers and teachers joked about this very expression…

When this new teacher arrived and she did not give you a hug for a mistake in a subject that sometimes generates a lot of misery, and had the patience and charm that our old teacher lacked, I understood that the fear we felt was completely absurd. Since then I decided to completely ban this saying from my life forever…

The saying goes, “Better than a devil you know than a devil you do not know,” but do you really think that’s true? Although it is true that almost everyone agrees with most popular sayings, in this case it will be a strong no…

Woman by the sea

Why? Do you not think that this saying applauds fear? It suggests that it is better to stay in your comfort zone instead of leaving it and getting to know a new world that can be amazing.

Imagine that you are stuck in a love affair that does not go well, when a new love shows up and knocks on the door… Imagine that you spent years on a job you do not like, but in which you are comfortable and confident, when a new opportunity shows up in your life…

Do you really think the saying is true? Think about it and stop being afraid of the fear yourself. The fear of getting on stage lasts only a few minutes… but think of the raw excitement you feel when you hear the applause. Is it worth it or not?

In order for you to stop being afraid of change or of what life can bring , we will next come up with some tips that can help you take the first step towards a true change in your life:

  • Little by little. People are that way; change scares us. But if you are afraid of facing a big change, why not start with minor changes to test? People are afraid of change, yes, but we also have a much greater capacity for change than we think.
  • Let your head take the lead. Weigh both situations. Is it really worth investing in the new and leaving the old behind? Then leave the old worn shoes behind you and try on a new pair.
  • Change your negative phrases and thoughts into something positive. It all starts in your head. Instead of thinking “this is going to be a disaster”, why not change it to “this is going to be an experience that will help me grow as a person, and it is certainly worth living through just because of this”.
Happy woman on meadow
  • Do not criticize yourself too much. Do not be so demanding of yourself. Often we do not want to change anything, because if we make a mistake we will punish and blame ourselves. Why not let yourself make mistakes? What’s so wrong with that? Work on your self-esteem.
  • Think about everything you might miss. Amazing things are waiting for you, and you let it pass you by for fear. Think for a moment about all the people who made a change in their lives… changed partners, jobs, housing… and their lives changed 100%.
  • Stop being an alarmist. Why do you always imagine the worst? Why can you not imagine the best case scenario? When we think positively, the bad things that happen to us will not seem as bad because we have not exaggerated them.

Leave this old saying behind you. Do not stay anchored in fear. Get to know new experiences, new people, a new life. Invest in change.

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