Alejandra Pizarnik’s Quote – 5 Dizzying Statements

Alejandra Pizarnik’s quote shows a poet equipped with an impressive sensitivity and a sharpness beyond the ordinary. The artist was the daughter of Russian immigrants and was born in Argentina. Unfortunately, she lived an unstable and unhappy life.

Alejandra Pizarnik was scarred by her childhood and youth. She suffered from aggressive acne, had asthma and was overweight. Her sister, on the other hand, was “perfect” in her parents’ eyes. She became a rebellious young girl and at the same time turned inward. This represented everything that a girl should not be. She started taking amphetamines and barbiturates from an early age.

After undergoing a psychoanalysis once, she found temporary stability,  and after that she experienced great intellectual productivity. Alejandra Pizarnik’s most beautiful poems and most unforgettable quotes come from this stage in her life. After that, she unfortunately committed suicide when she was only 36 years old. Here are some of her most memorable affirmations.

One of Alejandra Pizarnik’s quotes states: “The truth: working to live is even stupider than living. I wonder who decided that the phrase “earn a living” is synonymous with work. Where’s this idiot ?

This text very well reflects her rebellious and critical spirit. In this quote we see an angry and upset Alejandra Pizarnik. Instead of just being against work, her problem here is that it is equated with life. This by assuming that life is work, earning a living or playing your cards only in the workplace.

Alejandra Pizarnik bok

She talked a lot about the purpose of poetry. Why are there poets? One of Alejandra Pizarnik’s quotes solves this problem in a beautiful and elegant way. A poet’s task is to heal. They create poetic words with the power to heal, repair and detoxify.

She puts it this way: “It has been said that the poet is the great therapist. In that sense, a poet’s task is to conjure, to dispel, and also to repair. To write a poem is to repair a fundamental wound, a tear. Because we are all injured.

Many of Alejandra Pizarnik’s quotes talk about the double characters that live within us. To be two things at the same time. From the floating identity, under constant change and never fully defined. Within herself, it was clear that both the injured girl and the invincible woman existed.

One of her quotes reads: “What a joy to get lost in the predicted image. I rose from my body, in search of myself. My own pilgrim, I set off for her who sleeps in a land blown by the wind ”. She talks about what a person once was but is no longer, but also what they will be forever. To die and to be reborn as another person, but still carry that corpse within oneself.

Woman representing Alejandra Pizarnik's poetry

This is one of the most beautiful quotes by Alejandra Pizarnik: “To search. Not verbs, but scams. Indicates no action. Does not mean to go and meet someone but rather to lie there because someone does not come. ” Applying here is what comes with the expectation of what is to come or who is to come.

The things we sincerely desire give rise to a vertigo in which a person does not know which emotion is the most extreme: that of absence or that of presence. When you are waiting for something dear to arrive, you are not in an active position. You are tormented by something for which there are no words. And if it’s late, the torment becomes torturous, almost deadly.

To look with innocence means to look without expectations, without prejudices and without predestination. It is the kind of gaze that does not expect to find anything, but is content in the mere fact of seeing, of looking. In the next quote, she makes a connection between the innocent look and nothing.

Woman with birds in her hair

The quote reads: “And above all, to look with innocence. As if nothing happened, which is true ”. To this look that does not expect anything, also add the fact that you actually see nothing. A beautiful way to express the lack of tenderness in the empty moments.

Alejandra Pizarnik never got over the depression that plunged her into long confinements and painful dreams. She was admitted to a psychiatric hospital several times. The last verses she wrote shortly before her death say: “I do not want to go / anywhere / except to the bottom” .

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