Do You Know What A Thought Stop Is?

Do you know what stopping thoughts is?

Pondering or obsessions arise in our minds due to fear and anxiety. You can twist and turn them in your brain without ever acting on them. This mental dynamic can be destructive to anyone. It increases your anxiety, stress and general discomfort when you perform this behavior. However, you can put an end to this with the help of “stop thinking”.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder can never do anything for you. For example, imagine that you have just been assigned a major project. Suddenly you become scared and worried that you are not good enough. The worst of all is probably that you do not manage to stop thinking about it. But does it help at all?

You can not do anything about it at the moment. Therefore, it is pointless to dwell on your negative thoughts about the project over and over again and worry about the end result. You can not be expected to know what it will be like. It will only contribute to the terrible fear and anxiety.

People who are haunted by obsessions think that thoughts have all the control. They do not realize that it is actually they who give the mind all that power. They are the ones who turn things around in their heads with no sign that this could help them. When this happens, especially when it gives you a headache,  stopping thinking  can be very helpful.

Ideally, you will learn to identify the beginning of a potential obsession. This way, you can use the mind stop technique in time. What it does is it prevents your anxiety and discomfort from increasing. It may take some effort at first. It may not seem to be helping. But you have to train on stopping thoughts systematically. Now we’ll show you how to do this.

techniques for implementing thought stops

Stop thinking is an exercise recommended by many different psychologists. The best time to implement it is just when you notice the onset of an obsession. When that happens, take yourself to a place where no one can disturb you.

Later, when you get more exercise, you will not have to leave. By then, you will be able to implement this anywhere, anytime. When you are now alone, and if impossible only with natural light,  you focus on the thought.

You should really focus on it  instead of ignoring it or trying to avoid it. Does it repel you? Then give it every ounce of attention. Even if the anxiety or fear gets stronger, focus on it for at least a minute.

When the thought is at its height and the fear and anxiety is so overwhelming that you can no longer handle it,  you shout loud and proud: “Stop” or “Stop now”, “Now that’s enough” or something similar.

Of course, you can choose any word that works for you. The most important thing is that you realize that all those thoughts cease when you say it. Once you realize this, you can leave the room. Maybe it’s just a subtle difference at first. However, you will notice that you are more relaxed.

It’s not over yet. Now you have to go back into the room again. When you return, repeat the procedure exactly the same. Except now you say the word in a lower voice. Around the fourth time, you will probably be able to stop it without saying the word out loud. The time has come when  your mind does it for you. Now it has the same power as when you first shouted it.

Do the exercise often until you master the technique.  That way, you will get to a point where you do it automatically. There may be a crowd around you and none of them would notice anything. When you get to this point of stop thinking, you will be able to exercise it at any time. It could be at a dinner with friends, during a meeting, while driving, etc.

In fact, you do not even have to do it consciously. You do not have to say anything for your mind to react when it sees the beginning of a thought loop. This means that the cognitive cost will be extremely low. As a result, you will be able to focus on what you are doing.

exercise thought stops

Obsessive thoughts can really limit your life. They can interfere with your work and ability to enjoy life. Using thought stops may not completely free you from your obsessions or musings. But it can make them not be as long or make them less invasive. Then you can continue to enjoy life, do things and do your work without letting your thoughts get in the way.

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