Express Yourself And Feel Liberated

When you can not express yourself, your body and mind will suffer, but to what extent?
Express yourself and feel liberated

You have probably been in situations where you could not express yourself. You were told not to speak or you just felt it. These situations are common. Express yourself better with these tips!

You have probably sometimes been silent without even realizing it. In this article we will talk about how to express yourself.

You will see what it is about and why it can cause more negative effects than positive ones and how you can deal with it.

Woman talking on sofa.

Express yourself: why can not you talk about it?

This can happen in any situation. On the one hand, you are told not to talk because of what others think. On the other hand, you are not allowed to talk about something that you are interested in, and people will not say why.

There are also family secrets that you should not share. These experiences can be traumatic and will limit your ability to make yourself understood.

It seems that even if you talk about certain things, they will still stay. The feelings, behavior and thoughts will therefore also remain. Why?

Because people have different ways of communicating, and even if the verbal language is not there, the non-verbal will be.

We should point out that not every person who says you can not talk about something is mean. Sometimes you can talk about something and hurt someone without it really being the intention.

However, there are others who want to hurt you by preventing you from expressing yourself, forbidding you to talk or make fun of you when you do. Others will want to protect you while not understanding that they are hurting you.

Not knowing how to express yourself can be harmful

In this context, silence can be harmful because it prevents your brain from expressing ideas that go beyond your inner dialogue. Doesn’t it feel like you’re exploding when you can not express things?

When others do not let you express yourself, they restrict your right to speak.

Sometimes you should keep quiet, especially if the other person is having a hard time, but doing it all the time can make you feel unimportant, and it becomes a barrier between helping others and protecting your rights.

Other times, you may be afraid to talk; especially when you feel ashamed or hurt about something you have experienced. However, you need to talk about it in order to let go and learn from it.

When you do not go through this process, you will re-experience it over and over again and feel anxiety over it.

However, there are other times when you keep secrets to keep people happy. However, it does not work.

People have other ways of discovering things or they will not be able to accept challenges because they are aware that something is happening, but cannot understand what it is really about.

Express yourself to sort out the situation.

Man talking to son.

Express yourself: How to deal with similar situations

  • Express how you feel. You do not have to do it by talking about it; you can also use art, exercise, meditation and connect your emotions to others.
  • Seek help. Regardless of whether it is psychological help, like a psychologist, or if it is your relatives who help you, it is not a bad thing to seek help. But doing nothing about your emotions will be negative.
  • Work with your perseverance. It is possible to move forward. How? By working with yourself and filling your experiences with new lessons.
  • Set boundaries. If something hurts you, you should let people know. This is a way for you to protect yourself and for others to know that something is bothering you.

If, on the other hand, you have your suspicions, you should ask the other person to tell you what is going on.

You can then help the other person share their burden with you and you will be able to use strategies to manage the pain.

Express yourself with these tips.

What is left unsaid can make you feel bad. As you can see, there are many ways for you to express yourself and feel liberated. Keep in mind that people can hurt you even if they do not intend to do so.

It is therefore important to make the invisible visible in a certain way. To do this, you should use strategies, skills and attitudes that we have discussed here.

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