Family Constellations: A Good Form Of Therapy

Family constellations: a good form of therapy

Family constellations is a new therapeutic focus where you want to understand behaviors that exist in families. Through this therapy, you can see and analyze the way you are shaped by the relationships you have with the people closest to you – your family members.

It is a fact that your personality, way of looking at life and the way you tackle your daily life depends on what you experienced during childhood. Often we do not understand why we have certain problems or can not change perceptions we have about things. Family constellations can help you understand where all this is coming from, and give you the tools you need to change.

Therapy with family constellations has proven to be effective and is becoming increasingly popular. Here we will share the basic concepts, so you can understand this therapy and decide if it is what you need.

Closing family

Family constellations are gathering a lot of support in emotional therapy. It is not difficult to understand if you have the following benefits in mind:

  • It allows you to understand the problems from their sources. Many therapies focus on the search for a solution. In family constellations, you start from the foundation of your life and, possibly, your problems: your family. This allows you to understand how the negative patterns can affect you and gives you solutions to change them effectively.
  • It is a therapy that requires less time investment. The majority of psychological therapies require many months or years to treat the situations that are bothering you. This time period can be drastically reduced with family constellations because it is easier to understand the root of the problem.
  • You can solve emotional problems. Depression? Aggression? Constantly toxic relationships? It does not matter what problems you have; you can deal with them with family constellations. This is due to the fact that all emotional problems come from systematic suffering. Once you understand its source, you can solve the problem by facing or confronting it.
  • It improves your family relationships. Family constellations help you see what is wrong with your family and help you improve it. Sometimes you can not only change acquired patterns, but you can change the way you behave. This therapy allows you to heal your wounds, forgive and deal with toxic people you can not get rid of.

We have already mentioned the benefits of family constellations, and you will certainly find them interesting, but it goes beyond this, because the therapy affects not only your past, but also the present.

  • It will enhance your bond with your family. You may think that you will want to escape when you discover how your family has affected you negatively, but the exact opposite is actually true. When you discover the reasons behind your behavior, you will get a broader view of it. Things that seemed impossible to accept or forgive can now be seen from a different perspective. This improves the relationships you have with your loved ones.
  • A profound change is taking place in everyone who participates in therapy with family constellations. Can you imagine a therapy where the whole family can be healed at the same time? Although there are other alternatives, family constellations allow secrets and emotions to come out, which is not possible with other therapies. You will gain a better understanding of the members who do not participate in the therapy, and it is equally useful for the youngest members of the family.
  • It allows you to create a solid foundation for future generations. You may think it does not matter because they are so small, but you must understand that you started this therapy because your childhood was affected.
Family constellations

I know it’s hard enough to just talk about your problems, and doing it in front of your family so that each person can take responsibility is even harder. But by doing so, you will have taken the first step toward evolving from acquaintances living under the same roof to family members supporting each other.

Have you ever participated in therapy with family constellations? What did you think? Would you do it again?

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