Forgiving Frees You From The Past And Lets You Move Forward

Forgiveness frees you from the past and allows you to move forward

Forgiveness is one of the best forms of generosity that exists. Forgiveness is an almost inevitable part of every relationship we have. Giving and receiving forgiveness is a freedom, and for this reason it holds great value. Doing so is often more difficult than its alternative: not seeking or giving it.

There are many people who do not forgive because they think this would free the other person from guilt. In fact, the person who suffers the most is the one who does not know how to forgive. By not forgiving, you keep the pain within yourself, which transforms it into a sharp and uncontrollable dagger that can cause enormous and unpredictable damage.

Not knowing how to forgive binds you to anger and resentment, which is why you will probably feed your thoughts with these feelings. Forgiving someone who has hurt you is not easy, but it is necessary to learn how to do it. In this way, you can free yourself from past wounds and leave behind the emotional baggage that weighs you down.

To give forgiveness

There are people who do not understand forgiveness. They believe it is a form of competition that points out a winner and punishes a loser. Forgiveness has nothing to do with the following:

  • To free the other person from his actions.
  • To give up.
  • To turn the other cheek.
  • To pretend that nothing happened.
  • Acknowledging that your anger is not justified.
  • Forcing yourself to get along with someone you know can hurt you again.

In fact, forgiveness has nothing to do with the list above. Forgiveness has to do with oneself, with feeling good and to prevent punishment from going beyond reflection and learning. Forgiveness is characterized by:

  • To release hard feelings or resentment.
  • To heal wounds and remove scars.
  • To make the right decision to start getting in a better mood.
  • To help yourself to focus your attention on the positive aspects.
  • To give yourself a great opportunity: to start over on a blank sheet of paper.
  • To liberate yourself: it is your choice; do not forget that you have control over your emotions.

When something hurts , remember that you can not act on the past, but on the contrary, it is the present and the future that will give you the chance to intervene: soothing, healing and re-establishing.

Let your positive energy come out without having to fight, without having to start a fierce conflict. Let your attention focus on being better, preventing the pain from masking your gratitude for the rest of the positive things you can find in your life.

Woman holding flowers

Forgiveness is an act of kindness to oneself and others, one that will help you move on and realize that there is nothing as toxic as not being happy with yourself. Furthermore, the person receiving your forgiveness can learn a great lesson about humility and human values, which will also change their perspective.

Pain that causes injury is often inevitable. But you must not give it the power to establish itself in your life, because then it will not want to leave you. The only person who can control your emotions is you. If you constantly relive the pain of what happened, you will hand over power to the person who betrayed you.

Do not hold on to negative emotions or anger that continue to paralyze you. Anger is just an external sign of pain, fear, guilt or frustration you feel when you are betrayed. The pain may never go away completely, but forgiveness can help free yourself from anger so that you can feel better.

Remember that some things cannot change, but that you have the power to decide how you respond to these facts. For this, you need to talk to yourself and write down what your inner dialogue says. If everything is negative, make an effort to find positive thinking.

Finally, remember that perfection does not exist. Mistakes inevitably exist, no matter how much we try to turn our backs on them. What we can change is what we do with them and how we strengthen our ability, so that the damage and pain they can cause disappears from our lives as soon as possible.

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