Genuine People: People Who Inspire

Genuine people: people who inspire

Genuine people prioritize healthy relationships. They are honest people, free from prejudice and independent when it comes to creating their own path. Genuine people believe in mutual respect, reciprocity and values ​​that combat hypocrisy.

They are authentic examples of goodness and serve to inspire us and motivate others to become better people.

A few years ago, Forbes magazine published a very interesting article on this subject. The author of the article talked about how emotional intelligence  is a basic resource these days. It helps us to be more satisfied on a personal and work level. But this emotional ability has a small and interesting “trap”.

Emotional intelligence does not do much good if the person is not genuine. This is something we can often see in business leaders. Managers, administrators, and management receive training in social skills such as determination, empathy, emotional management, etc. But this training does not always make them effective in the organization. Something is missing.

People who are not genuine will never be able to motivate a movement’s employees. They lack the true dimensions that include transparency, sincerity and closeness.  They will not be able or know how to motivate others. Nor will they inspire trust or create a positive work environment. Their words and actions will not be admirable or inspiring.

Person next to flower

There are courses everywhere that offer you instruction in emotional intelligence. But  can you really learn to be a genuine person? Are people born this way or is it someone you acquire over time?

First, you need to remember that we are talking about a personality type. This set of attitudes, thoughts, behaviors and psychological dynamics are the result of various factors.

Geneticist Dean Hamer points out that there are certain biological constituents that we must keep in mind. We know, for example, that there is a gene that regulates the amount of dopamine that is released in the accumbens nucleus  in the brain. This means, among other things, that people are “genetically predisposed” to motivation – to seek new experiences. It may even indicate a greater or lesser capacity for happiness.

That said  , educational factors, socio-cultural contexts and personal experiences still play an important role. The personality is like a sculpture consisting of more or less high-quality materials. You can always add things or use other techniques to better sculpt every detail.

Genuine people can come into the world with an already well-defined personality. But you can also change if you have the willpower, an open mind and the right strategies. You can sharpen your sharp edges and fill in the blanks to create a more beautiful, authentic and holistic psychological garden.

Profile of flowers

These days, there are no psychological or emotional dimensions that can not be trained. People can have an amazing (and often underestimated) capacity for change. As long as you are committed to and responsible for a personal change, it is possible to move forward. Let’s take a look at how to form a genuine personality.

Exercise sincerity

Practicing sincerity must be a habit and a personal obligation. With that said, this exercise has some subtle aspects to keep in mind:

  • First and foremost  , genuine people take the time to be aware of their needs. They foster appropriate self-reflection so that they can get to know themselves better and understand their boundaries and their value.
  • In the same way, genuine people are careful about how and what they communicate. They use sincerity, but also respect. They are good at expressing their opinions in a certain way.
  • However, genuine people do not want to convince or convert anyone with their arguments. They express their views directly, but do not need anyone to agree with them.

Internal motivation

Genuine and authentic people act in accordance with their ideals and beliefs. They do not need external recognition, nor do they feel the need to meet the expectations of others. As you can probably imagine, authenticity also requires a certain amount of courage.

Emotional recovery skills

It is easy to be paralyzed after disappointments, failures and losses. But if you refuse to deal with these negative emotions, you will end up in your own path. Genuine people are resilient. Their resilience allows them to accept their weaknesses, learn from them, and recover. Then they can move on to the next step as quickly as possible.

Way of water lilies

They are not afraid of failure, they have a vision of the future

Authentic people have an inner compass and they create their own path. If they fail one day, they will create a new path. They are trying to find another bridge to cross. If they feel unmotivated and down, they stop and rest. The future is always there, full of opportunities and hope. Genuine people find hope there – that’s where they have their dreams.

Generosity and social awareness

Few people are more socially aware than those who are genuine towards you. If you really want to be like them, you should imitate them. After all, we are not alone in this. Other people are a part of you, and you are a part of them. Respect, harmony and reciprocity have effects on your emotional well-being.

To do that, you have to forget your prejudices. It will help you reach a level of authenticity. Free yourself from criticism and outdated perspectives. Release stereotypes and labels that objectify people. Open yourself up to shared experiences and learn from the people around you.

Developing these emotional and social skills requires courage, humility, and personal integrity. Try to start exercising them!

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