Have You Heard Of Happy Slave Syndrome?

Have you heard of happy slave syndrome?

We all know what a slave is; a person whose freedom has been taken away from him or her. Just like people suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome, where a kidnapped person establishes an emotional bond with his kidnapper, a slave may find that he is happy with his lack of freedom.

Want to know more about this syndrome? Could it be that you suffer from happy slave syndrome? Below we describe it for you.

Mental chains

When we talk about slavery, most people probably believe that slavery no longer exists and that it is a thing of the past. But are you really sure about that? A happy slave has mental chains. This makes it much more difficult to rebel because the chains are in the person’s own mind and therefore form part of his being.

The methods of slavery have changed; now they are more subtle, allowing us to be happy slaves without even knowing it. No one likes to be a slave, but what if we are not aware of it? We’ll reveal a mystery to you:

Head with threads

When you can not fight back against humiliation, when you remain engrossed in an argument without having expressed your opinion, you are a slave. What are you afraid of? You know you want to raise your voice, but something is stopping you. Or maybe we should say that you hinder yourself.

The chains we may have had were not put there by anyone else; they were put there by ourselves. The rules we must follow in order to live in society, together with the need to be perfect, can sometimes limit the freedom to be ourselves. And unfortunately, we often do not realize this.

Are you happy to let yourself be humiliated? Are you happy to be the same as everyone else? Does the search for happiness really bring you closer to it? No, to be honest.

Are we stunned?

Happy slave syndrome can be compared to being under the influence of anesthetic. We are like bodies that think about pretty much the same thing. We think we do what we want, but the reality is completely different. We are happy slaves.

Think about the situation for a while. Depending on where you live, you will have a different perception of relationships, infidelity and monogamy. Maybe your perceptions are different from those that were instilled in you when you were younger, but does that mean you do not suffer from happy slave syndrome?

Hanging dolls

All people seek happiness; or at least we think this is our goal. But what does happiness mean to you? Having a family? Job security? Happiness is dictated by society. People who rebel against happy slave syndrome are beginning to see the lack of reasoning behind the illusions and stereotypes that are forced on us by the society we live in.

Unified thoughts make us feel that we are no strangers to the people around us. We believe that if we go even further, if we really break the chains, they will think we are different. And we will start to see them as a group of people who all think the same thing, while we are different.

Do you remember those shoes you did not like at all, but which you now wear? Media, fashion and society force us to obey. You did not like them, but now you wear them. Even if you do not think that your friends are putting pressure on you to wear shoes you do not like , society’s pressure on you will be the same.

Think of your family. Is chauvinism still present?

In many families it is, and do you know why? If we give up instead of revolting, we will feel compelled to accept or even be grateful for chauvinistic treatment in our homes, and we will reproduce it in future relationships without realizing it.

That is why today there are still so many things that should have remained in the past. People are so unaware of it. They do not realize that they are reproducing something that they have criticized and rejected.

Trying to be ourselves is difficult. It seems that everyone is stamped according to the same standard, and when we deviate from it, we seem strange to other people. Frustration, pessimism and depression can grip you. You can not change anyone else, but you can change yourself. Free yourself from the chains. Seek your own happiness, separate from what society is trying to force on you.

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