It Does Not Matter If You Do Not Know It

It does not matter if you do not feel it

No matter what you know you can do, it does not matter if you do not feel it. If you do not find an emotional charge, you will not have the energy to move forward.

How many times have you known what you are capable of, but still failed to do so? When you can not find the energy to get out of old ruts, you will get stuck in an uncomfortable situation.

This may not only happen at work, but also in your relationships.

For example, if you know that your romantic relationship has become something more than friendship  but do not really feel the spark, you will hold on to the relationship for several years until the situation itself forces you to end it.

You will ask yourself why this is happening to you. Emotions are very important when making decisions. This may be one of the reasons why you can not do what you know you should do.

It’s because your emotions do not work together: fear, false perceptions and insecurity hold you back.

If you do not feel it, you can not set boundaries

Even if your boss does not give you the job opportunities you deserve… even if you are aware that you want to end your relationship because you know it is no longer working… it does not matter if you do not feel it.

You will stay in the same situation without taking a step towards what you are really looking for.

It’s like we’re stuck in something. As if a predetermined fate pushes us through life. But the problem arises when you think that this is how things are. The fact is that a single decision can turn everything 180 degrees.

Woman standing among light bulbs.

Everything seems so clear when we give this type of example. Why tolerate a boss who behaves badly? Why should we cling to a dying relationship?

We should ask these questions in a different way. What am I afraid of? What am I trying to avoid?

You probably feel insecure, which means that you are not looking for a new job, for example. Or you are afraid of being single. Our fear makes us dependent on a security that comes from not being able to tear ourselves away.

It limits us to our comfort zone. It makes us unable to feel what we already feel and take the necessary steps to change our situation.

Our emotions are our engine

Our emotions are the engine that allows us to move forward in life. You probably remember some time when you acted without thinking. You did not have to think much about what you were going to do.

Your body moved itself, it took the initiative without thinking about whether things would go well or not.

However, we tend to prioritize our thoughts. We try to ignore the power that our thoughts have over us, and we usually silence our feelings so as not to take that first step. The effort is great not to show who we are.

Woman surrounded by butterflies.

We must learn to deal with our emotions. To listen to them and release them. It is important to have a balance between thoughts and feelings in order to make good decisions.

This includes dealing with certain fears that are simply the consequence of our perceptions. Your mind may be wrong, but your emotions tend to speak for themselves.

If you know what you need to do but are not able to do it because you do not have the feeling, it is time to start a change. It is not easy to change certain behavior patterns that you have had for a long time.

But with a little help and willpower, you will be able to get fantastic results.

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