Letting Your Light Shine Can Irritate Those Who Live In Darkness

Letting your light shine can irritate those living in the dark

Letting your light shine and wanting to share this feeling will really irritate those whose hearts are full of total darkness. It is a pity that you can turn off someone’s light when you just want the person to be happy about your happiness.

You probably already know that. In this life there are individuals who are full of light and who shine around them without blinding others, while others blind everyone around them with their toxicity.  The latter are also the height of what overwhelms and hides us when we need support the most.

Remember that these people do not need you in their lives, and it does not benefit you to have them in yours, especially not because true friends help each other in grief, but also know how to celebrate when someone reaches their goal.

Light and darkness are part of nature, and the two types of people who symbolize these coexist, communicate and sometimes become contaminated. This is exactly why it is easy to meet people who live in the dark, and irritate them because you have chosen to let your light shine.

To drown in the dark

Of course, your light is not unpleasant, but the fact is that some people have to deprive you of it to feel better because there is evil and envy in their veins – so much envy. We all know that there are mushrooms that look good but are not edible. The same is true of these evil people: they come to you and make you believe that they will be there for you, but when it comes down to it, they end up poisoning you.

That is why toxic friendships must be avoided, and those who do not share the happiness we feel we must distance ourselves from. A person who is not happy with your performance does not actually love you, and that is the most important thing.

We love sharing good news and dreams with people we know. We enjoy showing people that we have found a place where we are truly happy with our lives. We do it on social networks, on the phone, via email, with songs or in thousands of different ways we can come up with.

That is why we do not understand the dissatisfaction that is shown on people’s faces, which shows that they are not happy for our sake. We would expect a smile in return, a hug or that they say “fantastic, congratulations!” You have probably experienced this yourself. In such situations, the light we have taken with us disappears, and the feeling weakens when we do not get the reaction we expected.

Woman in light

When this is repeated over and over again, we come to the conclusion that happiness is contagious, but only for those who let it spread: sometimes your inner peace causes discomfort in others, and it has nothing to do with you, but how the other people handle their emotions. You should never let this stop you from letting your light shine.

When you think of this subject, I begin to think of an interesting comparison, and perhaps you will agree with me: the people who abhor your light are reminiscent of wisdom teeth. I’ll try to explain why.

Wisdom teeth must sooner or later come to the surface and probably do not do it at the same time: initially they do not bother us, but just when we think they are okay, they start to hurt. We begin to feel bad and our energy weakens, after which the only option is to remove them – eliminate them so that they do not make our lives miserable. When the teeth are gone, the relief is incredible.

People who have cold in their soul and can not find a way to hide it generate an effect similar to that of wisdom teeth; they must appear sooner or later because they are part of humanity. However, it is good for us not to forget that wisdom teeth have no use and cause hygiene problems. Letting your light shine and not letting the darkness ruin your mood is vital.

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