Life Surprises You When You Least Expect It

Life surprises you when you least expect it

Life surprises you when you least expect it. Maybe we as humans have no control over our destiny and this is thus a process that affects us every day?

What often happens is that we close the doors to these opportunities that appear, to these changes full of positivity and hopes that we are all entitled to.

There is also something else that is quite clear and that is that happiness does not come to us just because we want to. It has also been shown that happiness does not come just because one acts morally. It seems that fate does not work this way.

It all depends on how you approach your own life. It often happens that the person standing up straight is broken down. It is better to be able to adapt to the wind because then you will be more flexible.

Life, like every aspect of the world, has its own rhythm. You must be able to listen and keep your mind and heart open. Good things will come into your life if you have confidence and just let things happen.

Girl who closes her eyes

It is said that good things come into our lives to bring us happiness and the bad things to give us lessons. The latter should not be taken as an “absolute lesson”, but rather as a punishment from fate.

To better understand these ideas, you just need to take a simple example. Imagine you have a friend who has just gone through something that has made this person disappointed and depressed. You try to help the person, but she only focuses on the negative and is angry and resigned.

She stops believing in love, she stops believing in other people and she stops believing that she is ready to meet a partner. She begins to believe that she is a person who does not deserve love. This kind of attitude closes the doors in life.

  • Limiting thoughts are negative ideas that we consider to be absolute.
  • Many times these have arisen as a result of what has happened in the past.
  • Limiting thoughts block us from new opportunities in life and prevent us from growing as human beings.

We therefore invite you to put these simple tips into practice so that you can remove these walls that you have in your heart and in your mind, and you will see how life surprises you when you least expect it.


To become aware of yourself, it is necessary that you do a few small exercises that can teach you what your limiting thoughts are, what your fears are and how you can grow as a person.

Being self-aware and establishing an inner dialogue will be necessary to get rid of old ideas from our parents and society. Since you can breathe freely without feeling ashamed or that there is something holding you back, you will be able to face the day with greater hopes.

Wrap yourself in creative thoughts

Believing in yourself and creating the person you really want to be: What does this mean? Is it something very difficult? It can actually be that sometimes because it mostly requires you to leave things behind, which also includes people.

  • You should keep in mind that there is certainly someone in your personal and social circle who limits your personal development, and who prevents you from becoming who you want to be.
  • Life only surprises us if we leave our comfort zone and to do this we must be brave, break schedules and change our way of thinking.

The creative power in you. At this point in life, you know that you can handle things, that you can fill yourself with optimism. This is an open window that should never be closed.

Pictures by Pascal Campion, Mijail Kohn and Art Mkl.

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