No Knot Can Be Tied Forever

No knot can be tied forever

The mental and physical exhaustion that we experience when we are faced with a problem or a group of problems can paralyze us. This can make us feel like we’ll never get out. But every problem is solved sooner or later: it is a knot that is finally solved.

It is true that there are many problems that can worry us and create anxiety and discomfort, but remember that if the problems can be multiplied, the same goes for their solutions.

A knot that is tied around your neck

You feel a pressure on the chest as if someone was sitting and pressing it. The muscles in the throat contract and it feels blocked and the mouth becomes dry. In these cases, the problems create anxiety which is followed by paralyzing symptoms.


In situations of high emotional stress, the body responds by putting itself in an alarm state. It is a feeling of discomfort that must be resolved. We find ourselves inside a fog and we see no way out.

The truth is that we do not handle all the difficulties we face in the same way, but we have all the stones in our path and concerns that we would like to avoid. There are people who are good at overcoming obstacles and others who think that the problem is bigger than them. If you belong to the latter group, I recommend that you continue reading.

There is a process of loosening this knot

Each knot has its own size and what from the outside can seem messy from the inside can be an abyss. We do not all wear the same shoes and they do not fit us as well when we have used them for a while. Having a problem will always involve a process to get over it.

Meeting the knot that prevents us from moving forward requires four important steps: defining exactly what is happening to us, fully understanding that we will need to be brave to find a solution, evaluating the options we have and trying to apply our decisions so we can learn from this.


Every moment of worry requires calm and if we do not find this then we must try to look for it. It is only in this way that we will be able to clearly see what opportunities we have and what are beneficial for the situation we are in. The biggest part of the process is therefore the step of analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each possible situation.

When we have untied the knot

Each knot can be untied and it will happen when we find ways to make the body relax. Overcoming the problem means that we understand who it affects and how, and then apply the solution and learn from what we have experienced.

Every bad time has its lessons and all this pain is necessary for us to find emotional balance. Even if we believe that our problems only come with suffering, the opposite is closer to the truth because we will be able to become stronger than we think.

In addition, the most important thing is not that we learn, but that we look at the knot from a distance and understand that we can untie it.

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