Omega-3: The Brain’s Best Defense

Omega-3 fatty acids are neuroprotective with superpowers. Omega-3 helps our brains to function better. It counteracts depression and protects us from oxidative damage and inflammation. This is important information as it is now obvious that our modern diet lacks this essential nutrient. 

An interesting fact is that  close to 8% of our brain is made up of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).  This substance is responsible for critical functions in our neuronal structures. In addition, studies show that omega-3 is necessary for optimal fetal development. Consumption of a diet containing this substance during pregnancy is linked to intelligence and well-developed cognitive abilities.

It is no coincidence that our brains need this type of polyunsaturated fatty acids. For example, it is known that  the greatest evolutionary leap in the development of our brain took place about 200,000 years ago.

Several archaeological excavations show that this took place at the same time as our ancestors began to live near rivers and seas to be able to fish. A diet rich in fish, shellfish and amphibians gave humans more energy and a better supply of nutrients, which optimized the development of the brain.

Experts believe that omega-3 is a key nutrient that must be part of our diet “from cradle to grave”. Even our grandmothers, the guardians of traditional truths , constantly say that you should eat more fish. And they are not wrong, but there is one small detail that they may not know.

Nowadays, our oceans are becoming increasingly polluted. This means that many fatty fish species that were previously very useful now contain high levels of mercury and dioxins. The good news in this context is that omega-3 is also found in other foods, such as nuts, seeds and vegetables. The brain will thank us if we start eating more of this type of food. 

Studies regarding the effects of omega-3 on our brains could hardly be more positive. Through lab tests, the researchers have discovered that the brain function of mice that have been supplemented with omega-3 shows a better adaptability. They have also been able to show a greater number of connections between the nerve cells as well as better quality in the transmission between them.

Researchers have also done interesting work that shows that these fatty acids help reduce the symptoms of depression and impaired memory.

Until today, this nutrient has been known for its benefits in terms of heart and lung health. This led to an explosive increase in the number of supplements claiming to prevent heart failure. With that said, the tip from dietitians is still to choose a healthy diet. They believe that we should turn to “natural” alternatives.

  • It is not just the heart that benefits from a diet rich in omega-3. Researchers have discovered that while it does not make a difference for patients with Alzheimer’s, it can be beneficial for those with a milder cognitive impairment. 
  • In other words,  omega-3 has a neuroprotective effect. The fatty acid is not curative, but if we get enough doses throughout life, we can maintain our adaptable and robust brain well into old age.
  • We know that omega-3 improves short-term memory, word memory, our attention and the speed with which we process information. 
  • Another interesting area is how our mood is linked to omega-3. Omega-3 can reduce (not cure) the symptoms of depression, thanks to a specific cause. This type of fatty acid facilitates the transport of serotonin through the body. It does not give the same effect as Prozac, but it does ensure that the right chemical processes are established. These allow the nerve cells to communicate well, for maximum health effect.

There are many factors that contribute when it comes to having a healthy, adaptable brain with good memory function and learning ability. It is not enough to learn a language, play an instrument or increase the number of books we read a month. Things like good stress management and enjoying meaningful, rewarding relationships are also important.

In addition to those factors, there is another thing that is critical to brain health: our diet. The modern diet and the type of vegetables, fruits and oils that are on the shelves in the supermarket are not always as useful as we would like. Eating well requires effort and a little wisdom.

Here is a list of readily available foods rich in omega-3:

  • Flaxseed oil
  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Krill oil
  • Olive oil
  • Salmon
  • Oyster
  • Crab
  • Sardines
  • Cod
  • Nuts
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Tofu

It is not just our attitude that determines whether we get a healthy brain, a good memory or a positive attitude towards life. It also depends on how we take care of ourselves and what we eat. Let us invest a little more power and care in ourselves, for our health and success.

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