Screams Damage The Child’s Brain In An Alarming Way

Screams damage the baby's brain in an alarming way

“Through ignorance we become slaves, and through education we become free,” Diego Luis de Cordoba once said. But education has nothing to do with pushing the child’s knowledge, nor does it have to do with screaming, because it damages the child’s brain.

Screaming is not an effective way to get the child to listen to you, as it damages the child’s brain – this indicates several studies. We often shout at others as a way to release our own frustration, and not to share information. This is especially true when it comes to children, as they do not learn through screaming.

Authors like Aaron James argue that screaming does not make you more right, nor does it give you an advantage in quarrels. This has been confirmed in several studies, including one related to the current US President Donald Trump. If we want to seem right, screaming will not help us. Reasoning will win an argument, not a scream.

Screaming damages the baby's brain while growing up

A person usually screams when he has lost control. This is why the message that others get when you scream – that you have lost control and given in to your feelings. Screaming diverts from the words you are trying to say.

According to a new study published by the University of Pittsburgh, regular screaming at a child will pose a risk to the child’s psychological development, and it damages the child’s brain. All those who use screams to control their children therefore increase the risk of the child’s development. Children who scream often learn to respond with aggressive or defensive behaviors.

The study involved nearly 1,000 families with children between the ages of one and two. The study found that children who screamed at were at higher risk of developing depressive behaviors and behavioral problems during adolescence.

In fact, screaming does not minimize problems, but exacerbates them. For example, it can make the child more disobedient. Parents who adopt a warmer attitude with their children minimize the negative effects of the few times they actually scream.

There are many studies in this area. Harvard’s psychiatric ward confirms that verbal abuse, screaming, humiliation or a combination of the three can permanently change a child’s cerebral structure.

After analyzing more than 50 children with psychiatric deficiencies due to family problems and comparing them with almost 100 healthier children, the findings are alarming. For example, children with psychiatric problems showed a large reduction in the corpus callosum, in other words the part that connects both halves of the brain.

This reduction can make the two halves of the brain less integrated, causing changes in personality and mood. This in turn can lead to emotional instability. Another consequence of this reduced connection is that it damages the child’s brain and impairs his ability to focus.

Sorry boy

Our children can sometimes drive us crazy, but screaming is never the answer. To avoid falling for this temptation, you should remember the following:

  • To shout is to have lost control. If we lose control, we can no longer exercise proper discipline.
  • Avoid stressful times. Sometimes it’s hard, but with good observation we will learn what makes us scream. When we see the pattern, we can work on removing it.
  • Calm down before you act. Develop a trick that will calm you down when you reach your limit, like counting to ten. Relax and take control.
  • Do not blame yourself. In other words, be careful about the expectations you place on yourself and your child. It’s a child. The most important thing is that he is happy and develops correctly.

We already know the damage that frequent screaming causes to a child’s brain. It is therefore in our hands, as adults, to be responsible and look for alternative forms of expression. We can find other ways to convey our message, without compromising the health of our children.

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