Ten Energy-draining Attitudes You Must Avoid

It is easy to cling to certain attitudes that are ultimately detrimental to your well-being. In this article, we identify them and provide some strategies to avoid or limit their effects.
Ten energy-draining attitudes you must avoid

Certain attitudes or mindsets drain you physically and mentally. Sometimes you adopt certain energy-draining attitudes without even realizing it, and you waste your energy on worries and negative thoughts that make you feel bad.

Humans are energetic beings. Energy is the engine that drives motivation and helps you take full advantage of all the opportunities you have in your life.

Energy is what drives you to do what you want to do and succeed. According to the World Health Organization, “energy is necessary to meet our most basic needs.”

Do you feel mentally exhausted, unmotivated and anxious? Do you feel that you do not have the energy to do what you need or want to do?

You may have adopted some energy-draining attitudes. Below you will discover ten of them.

Depressed woman on sofa

1. Living in the past is one of many energy-draining attitudes

Living in the past means that you are constantly reliving things that have already happened. You long to go back in time, that things will be as they were before.

Sorry, you can not change the past. There is no way to change what has already happened.

On the other hand, the present and the future are in your hands. Being stuck in the past instead of focusing on the here and now is mentally exhausting.

Wouldn’t it be healthier to spend your energy on something you can influence? You have the power to change the present. Put your resources and energy on the present instead of living in the past.

2. Debt

In his book How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty: And Say Yes to More Time, More Joy, and What Matters Most to You , Patti Breitman argues that debt requires a lot of energy.

So accepting the past and letting go of all the guilt you carry will allow you to live in the present and plan for the future.

3. Not to be determined

Why is it so hard to say no? So many are used to giving, to do things just to please others. They are afraid to say “no” because they do not want to seem selfish or reluctant.

If you always say yes, you have time for everyone except yourself. You will forget yourself to please everyone else. If you do not know how to say “no”, you will quickly drain your mental and emotional energy.

When you are busy doing things for everyone else, you are ignoring your own needs and desires.

4. Not being able to ask for help

There are always people who prefer to die in the coup and try to solve a problem alone instead of asking for help. Some people even prefer to fail than to let someone else get involved in the project.

Intelligent regulation of your resources means that you know how to delegate, how to ask for help and how to get advice on problems that are too big to deal with on your own.

This is especially true in the modern world. We no longer live in a maintenance economy. Instead, everyone specializes in one particular service and leaves everything else to everyone else.

5. It is very energy draining to worry too much

Much of what we worry about has to do with things that may happen in the future. This begs the question: does it make sense to worry about something that has not happened yet?

People who are used to worrying spend a large part of their emotional and mental resources to deal with these “think about…”. Worrying about everything that can happen is an energy-draining attitude.

Thinking about things that have not yet happened takes a lot of time.

6. Complainant

Psychologist Joan Garriga wrote that “complaining lowers people’s vitality”. Constantly complaining about the things that happen in your life is another energy-draining attitude.

The downward spiral of complaining is completely unproductive. It paralyzes and prevents you from doing good things of your time.

Complaining can sometimes be used as a way to relieve the pressure or as a way to escape from what you are experiencing. It allows you to ventilate in a way. But when you stick to it, you waste a lot of your energy.

7. Postpone things

Sometimes you postpone plans or responsibilities because you do not want to do them. Leaving things for tomorrow is like charging a storm cloud.

Eventually, all the things you put off will rain down on you and cause negative situations in your life.

8. Energy-draining attitudes: to always see the negative side of things

If you always see the glass as half-empty and always think that bad things will happen or that things will not go well, you will develop a bad attitude.

This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sociologist Robert K. Merton writes:

Consequently, according to Merton, if you think something will go wrong, it probably will.

Woman with energy draining attitudes

9. Trying to control everything is one of the most energy draining things there is

Trying to control everything around you can be exhausting. It requires a huge amount of effort which is essentially in vain because at the end of the day there is very little that is actually under your control.

Adopting this energy-draining attitude causes frustration and anxiety because in fact you will never have control over everything.

Constantly trying to keep everything exactly as you want it to be is impossible. After all, you do not live in a bubble. The people and things around you affect your life.

10. Energy-draining attitudes: not allowing oneself to stop and rest

This is the last energy-draining attitude. Sitting on the couch, taking a relaxing shower, watching a movie with your partner, reading or calling a close friend…

There are so many ways to stop and relax, and doing so is crucial to your health and well-being. Maslow includes in his hierarchy of human needs rest as a crucial part of the equation.

In conclusion, remember that a life lived in worry and fear leads to much suffering. Instead, you should laugh, cry, love and feel.

If you spend a lot of your time worrying about what could have been or complaining about things you can not change, you will forget the present. You will not be able to enjoy every feeling of the here and now.

Be sure to avoid these energy-draining attitudes if you want to live a better life.

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