The Beautiful Story Of The Elephant U0026 Wedding Ring

This old, beautiful story has been passed down from generation to generation. It’s a story to reflect on. It takes place  in a remote place in the jungle where a young and beautiful elephant lived. At that time, the elephant was ready to get married.

It had not yet found the female elephant that would steal his heart. One random afternoon, however, it saw a herd on the horizon. The elephant noticed that there was a beautiful female elephant in the herd, and was captivated by her.

The two herds met and the elephant began to walk next to the female. They talked and soon discovered that they had a lot in common. They fell in love after a while. Just a few months later, they told everyone that they had decided to get married.

This beautiful story testifies that both herds were incredibly happy with their decision. They had not celebrated a wedding in a long time and believed in this couple. Some of the older female elephants were responsible for making sure that the husband had a beautiful wedding outfit. Others were commissioned to design the menu for this year’s event.

The male elephants, for their part, began to build the large wedding tent where the wedding and the couple’s first dance would take place. Everyone would participate and it would be an unforgettable event. At that moment, everything was full of joy and every single elephant felt enthusiastic and ready to celebrate.

The event was only a few days away. Therefore, the elephant asked a friend, who was an excellent jeweler, to make their wedding rings. The elephant’s friend made the wedding rings with great patience. They were absolutely amazing.

The day before the wedding, the elephant found out that the ring was finished. It was so eager that he went to his friend’s shop right away. He was very curious and had high expectations. The elephant wanted the rings to be absolutely perfect.

This beautiful story goes on to tell how enchanted the elephant felt after seeing the rings. He congratulated his friend for creating them so beautifully. It felt so happy and took the rings with its trunk to go back home. The only thing missing now was the costume for the wedding. The elephant thought of it as it walked beside a stream.

But it was so distracted that it did not realize there was a large rock on the road. Because he was not paying attention  , he stumbled and fell. It happened so suddenly. When he got up, he realized that he had lost one of the wedding rings.

The elephant became desperate. It started searching for the lost ring. It dug holes everywhere, but it was unprofitable. Such small objects are very difficult to find. The more it searched in and around the creek, the more lost the ring seemed and the more desperate the elephant felt.

A curious owl observed it all and shouted “calm down!” But the elephant just felt even more anxious after that. It thought that the owl did not really understand what it was going through. The wedding was the next day and it would not be possible to arrange another ring. What would the bride think? What would everyone else think? That was all he could think of as he continued to search the water.

Then the owl shouted: ”  Listen to me, calm down. Everything will work out. I just know that ”. The elephant remembered that owls are known for their wisdom, so he decided to pay attention to what it said. It remained completely still for a couple of minutes and calmed down. Soon the cloudy water calmed down and the sun’s rays could reach down to the bottom of the stream. Then the elephant saw the ring and took it out of the water.

The young elephant learned a very valuable lesson. Its desperation had stirred up the water so that it became impossible to see the ring. It thanked the owl for the lesson and returned home with a feeling of gratitude and joy for what was to come. As a legacy, he left this beautiful story to reflect on.

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