The Inspiring Parable About The Fragrant Flowers

The inspiring parable about the fragrant flowers

The parable of the fragrant flowers is a story about an old samurai, a very wise man who everyone respected. The old man often held meetings in his house to share his knowledge with young men, who listened with great interest and attention.

They would just receive an amazing lesson about anger and how to deal with it. His fame had spread to all nearby regions, and people from all corners began to arrive. The ancient samurai spoke mainly about the importance of material disconnection and the importance of knowing how to eliminate selfish feelings within us.

His most devoted disciple was a young man named Alino. He wanted to learn everything he could from the master, and so he attended the meetings every day. He also made tea for everyone, and everyone saw him as helpful. The samurai liked him because of his humility and interest in other people.

He would become the man who learned the important lesson from the Parable of the Fragrant Flowers.

One day, in the middle of a meeting, one participant spilled his tea on another participant’s clothes. The latter did not hesitate for a second, but pushed directly to the former in an aggressive manner. “What’s wrong with you? You’re so clumsy! ” he said. He pointed out that his clothes were made of Chinese silk and that they were now completely destroyed.

Warriors at waterfalls

The old samurai remained passive. He continued as if nothing had happened. Some people mumbled in low voices. It seemed strange that the master should allow such a quarrel in his own home. Most of them felt that he should have intervened and rebuked the arrogant man.

Alino was confused. When the meeting was over, he could no longer keep it to himself, and asked the master: “Why did you allow this injustice when you know that a single word from you would have put the proud man in place? Why did you not throw him out of your house? ”

The master just smiled. “There are some odorless flowers that should not be in our garden,” he replied. However, Alino was very confused. He did not understand the master’s message. The old man then added: “Anger is the odorless flowers, which only grow in gardens where there is no freedom.”

This was the first lesson from the parable of the fragrant flowers.

A few weeks after the incident, something happened that no one had expected. The aggressive man returned to the master’s house, but the moment before he entered he was very threatening to everyone. He pushed his way through the crowd. He almost screamed and ignored the fact that his master was speaking.

The old samurai

Suddenly he did something that amazed everyone. He stood up, walked over to the master and spat in his face without a word. The master was silent for a few seconds. Everyone was like petrified. At first no one reacted, but soon angry voices could be heard.

Alino was on his guard. He took one of the swords that was in the house and said to the old samurai: “Let me give this man the lesson he deserves to master.” The samurai remained motionless and only raised his hand – a signal that he would do nothing.

It seemed as if Alino still did not understand the parable of the fragrant flowers.

The teacher asked for peace. He remained completely peaceful. The aggressive man was ready to respond to anyone who tried to attack him. He had a smile on his face over having challenged the most famous man in the region.

Suddenly the old samurai broke the silence. He looked straight at the man who had spat at him and said “thank you”.

No one could believe their ears. Alino did not know what to think. He said to the samurai: “What in the world do you say master? How can you thank this villain who came to your house for the second time to insult and dishonor you? How can you thank him? ”

Pink roses

The master spoke calmly to the aggressive man and said: “Your gesture has allowed me to verify that anger has disappeared from my heart. I do not have to give back for this. I will not let odorless flowers grow in my garden. ” Alino felt ashamed.

The Master had taught them for months to love themselves and avoid passions like anger. People who humiliate, who are aggressive, negative and critical are like odorless flowers. The only logical thing is to ignore them and not let them ruin your inner garden.

That is the inspiring lesson in the parable of the fragrant flowers, and now we just need to embrace it in our lives.

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