The Problem Of Being Worried

The problem of being worried

Being worried means worrying about something to come. When you are worried about something, you can not enjoy the moment, the present or the current situation. Your anxiety thus paralyzes and paralyzes you in the present.

How many times have we not been able to sleep because we pondered a problem? This causes physical and mental exhaustion, which ultimately has the opposite effect of dealing with whatever problems we are experiencing. When we are exhausted, our ability to make decisions deteriorates.

Furthermore, we can often become obsessed with fictional problems. Many people find themselves in an endless circle of worries, create fictional monsters and bring out a thousand and one disasters they can suffer. They do not live in the present because they are too worried about future worries that in 90% of cases will never occur.

So how can we prevent the fear of the future from worrying us? By living a carefree life.

Apply the brake

As our heads prepare to run a marathon of fifty fictional problems, we’ll slow down. Take a deep breath. When we live in the future, the speed of our thoughts causes our mind to go beyond what is rational. We even become futurists and make predictions that are equal to our level of anxiety.

When confronted with a recurring concern, visualize the worst that can happen. That way, you will understand that it is not that bad. As you reflect, you should understand that the chances of all this happening are very small.

There are things beyond our control, such as life and death, natural disasters and accidents. No matter how worried you become, it will do nothing to help you. If you learn to live life without worries, you will be much better equipped to deal with these situations if they occur. Your mind will not be exhausted by expectations and you will be full of suggestions for solutions to deal with the situation.

Do not shoulder the problems of others

No matter how much misery they inflict on you, your partner’s problem is just that; your partner’s problem. Be empathetic and try to help as best you can, but learn not to take on the dilemmas of others. Do not torment yourself with problems that do not concern you; you have enough problems yourself.

Get rid of your “think again”

“What if…” are made-up friends who have a habit of getting into our minds, which makes you come up with thousands of questions. What if I do not make the right decision? What if I get fired tomorrow?

Summer meadow

“Think again” is unnecessary stress. If the decision is not right, you will learn to take a better one next time. These “think about” thoughts are wrong over 90% of the time. Think about how you can use your thinking power in a more enriching way.

Focus on the present

When you are worried, you do not live in real time. You live in a fictional future that prevents you from enjoying that cup of coffee with a friend, that book you so desperately wanted to read, that conversation or just the great feeling of relaxing and not thinking about anything else.

Learn to stop worrying. Go out, breathe, listen, taste and feel this time with all your senses. Time flies and the last moments will never come again. So get rid of your “think again”, because today you have plans that are much more beautiful to focus on.

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