The Surprising Letter A Mother Received From Her Teenager

The surprising letter a mother received from her teenager

Below we will share an interesting letter a mother received from her teenager. It had been left in a sock box.

Yes, during some of my outbursts I am typical. I’m the typical teenager. I’m fifteen years old and I keep a diary. What you read is a simple part of this diary, which is of course locked and hidden.

Hidden in a place you will never find. At least I hope you will not encounter it when you arrange among my things in the belief that you are restoring some form of order in a room I honestly feel lost in.

If you find it, it would be a good reason, without a doubt the best I can think of, for you to become a shameful mother. Overprotective, rigid, basically unbearable. Furthermore, I think you would only fuel your own fears.

Fears due to which you do not sleep lower some nights or wait for me until very late. Because yes, in my mind I am considering options you would exclude.

When I was young, I asked about external things. What is it? Where is it for? Now my mind is filled with a teenager’s insecure thoughts. They have to do with my inner world. I stopped asking them because I do not think you have the answers, at least not my answers.

That’s why I prefer friends to them. With them I share the fact that we do not know, the excitement of each new discovery. If you go back 30 years in time, you will understand.

Girl among cacti

This is something that confuses me with adults. They soon forget that they too were teenagers once upon a time. How it was mischievous, fell in love for the first time or pretended to be sick to avoid going to school. How they turned a deaf ear to the clock to be able to come home late.

The struggles they fought for their independence and resolved the conflict between what others expected and the things they really wanted. The price they had to pay to choose one of two options, short-term or long-term. How were you as a teenager?

If the genes that perpetuate this tendency have survived, it is also likely that they have some adaptable aspect. Something that makes it easier for each family member to play their role. For you to be able to have your expectations and I to break them, for this to be the first of other more difficult obstacles, for me to have to confront them all.

I think if they explained Darwin’s theory in this way, fewer people on Earth would question what this man ever said was important.

You know that as a child I thought the world was a big stage, in the selfishness that all children practice. And that people got ready to play a script for me when I did not see them.

To prove this theory , I often tried to be unpredictable. Even though I wanted sweets, I said no, just to see how others would act when I behaved unpredictably. My intentions were that “big brother” would admit the whole thing in sheer desperation.

We can say that I often lost myself in this game of context and lack of context, sometimes for more than a day. Hence my mood swings as a teenager, my reluctance and my acceptance. They arise from an attempt to relativize everything and to feel weightless in the feeling that there is nothing safe to cling to.

There is nothing infallible or something I have absolute control over. Because even your best friends can disappoint you and the tests you studied the most before can be canceled. You could call it luck, but it’s more capricious than the drops that fall on a sunny day.

Teenage girl

But the most complicated thing about growing up has to do with an issue that includes the impotence of my friends and I. I do not know what else I can do to be good, to be accepted. To feel loved and respected.

I have seen how this issue has transformed my friends and myself. The first requirement may be to have a perfect body. Which is ridiculous considering that our bodies develop in an anarchist way and basically do what they want.

You may want to be tall and curvy, but if genetics has decided that this is not you, you will not be. That’s when you start to understand why someone invented torture, which are high-heeled shoes.

You begin to understand how it is harder to win someone’s respect when you are short, just like when your friends say you are a little too heavy or a little too thin. The criteria can be perfectly adapted to the curves that appear on the women in magazines: not too much, not too little, absolutely perfect.

People who used to know and recognize you are now starting to treat you like you were horrible. And they do it in such a radical way and so often that you start believing it; that there is something wrong with you, which does not work.

The things you do to fix it make you stand out even more. Basically , your feet are a little too big and you are not meant to wear high heels.

You want to ask if anyone knows of a way to compensate for the things that nature did not give you or gave you too much of, but you have already seen how your friends let you down. In that moment, you could withstand almost anything, except seem vulnerable.

It would be unacceptable to let them see an indication that their rudeness has any effect on you.

The only thing you can portray is a picture of security. This is another attitude you need to have in order to be good. And not just to be confident, but to always show it. In this way, you will give the impression that nothing matters to you.

Within this profile that teenagers require for their ” entry into life” , I realized that I also have to get good grades. It was a way to keep you happy. I also had to make it look like I was making an effort. But not too much. I had to look hard working, but also smart.

Person writes letter

Among my classmates, it also looked bad to get low grades. That is, unless the group of teens saw it as your own choice rather than lack of skill. If they thought the latter was the case, it’s over for you. You will be forever thrown into the group of zeros. A group that is very easy to end up in, but complicated to leave.

From this point of view, a “B” or “B +” were the best grades. Just as it was also better not to raise your hand too much or answer the teacher’s questions too quickly. Or not answering the question correctly, but instead saying something that the important children would think was fun.

This type of teenager is today called an “influencer” or “influencer” on the internet.

One day in the classroom we learned about the well-known curve. Gaussian functions. Many natural distributions apparently have to adjust to this type of function. Therefore, there always seems to be a higher density around the middle and less at the ends.

This seemed very natural to me because it was always dangerous to be at the ends. Not showing emotion or doing it too much, never getting angry or being angry all the time. If you want to be a peaceful teenager, it is best to stay in the middle of the curve.

Blending in with the others is much easier here. Camouflage, as it used to be called, which is in line with the image I as a teenager try to convey. The image of not being disturbed by the world.

This is where this page of the diary ends, which I of course happened to put here by mistake ???? To say this face to face would be embarrassing. That’s why I’ll leave this one for you among my socks. Like a lost page in the middle of the order you’re trying to force on me.

Maybe you will now understand my struggle to find my own kind of order. A task that is neither simple nor simple, but of course exciting.

And of course I love you, which I never seem to say…

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