Thoughts On Happiness

Thoughts of happiness

Many books suggest that repeating the mantra can help you find happiness. They offer mantras for when you are sad, and others for when you are frustrated. Repeat them all the time. But does this repetition really make you happy? Repetition can work to confirm a belief; it stimulates your subconscious and makes it a part of your consciousness. But does this make you happy? Yes, but only if you were already happy.

By repeating something you already know and which you are already convinced of, even if it is subconscious, you will confirm it. After repeating it a lot of times, you will start to feel better because you are sending positive messages to yourself.

So if you are not happy, should you really exercise repetition? No, because you will only get more frustrated. It’s very difficult to fool yourself – you’re smart! If you repeat something your subconscious knows is false, you will only feel anxiety and frustration that you are not getting what you expected.

There are as many types of “happiness” as there are people

Your happiness is unique. Everyone sees and perceives happiness differently. It is not ready-made and not a concrete reality. What makes your family, neighbors, or friends happy does not have to be what makes  you  happy.

For some people, happiness is a success. For others it is fame, while for others it may be wealth. For you, it can be finding the perfect partner, discovering a great new writer or listening to your favorite music.

Every moment of your life is different. You have grown since yesterday and continue to grow today. What made you happy in the past may not matter to you today. This happens because we set new goals, and achieving them makes you happy.

The two parts of happiness

First, you need to understand what makes you happy. Get to know your needs, your aspirations and your dreams. This is how you will find your happiness. If you are someone who always thinks of new goals before you reach your current ones, you should modify how you think. You can not always be on the go; sometimes you have to stop and celebrate.

Learn to enjoy your success. Evaluate everything you have done and the work you have put into it. This is how you will feel happiness. You will notice how good it feels to treat yourself to a moment of relaxation.

Then you can go out for more. This is how it should be. Every time you achieve a goal or satisfy a need, others show up. It is important for you to be clear about your goals. What do you really want to do? Sometimes we think that if we strive for something outside our normal habits – if we think outside the box – it will result in disaster. But you know that’s not true!

The second step is to do what you really want to do. This can be very difficult because what you want to do sometimes is a little unconventional. But if this is what you really want to do, then do it. If you like painting, dancing or writing poetry, give it a try!

But you do not have to leave everything else behind to dedicate yourself to that very thing. You can develop it gradually. See how you feel when you do or try it, and if you feel happy, you have won the lottery. Dedicate more time to it – it’s really worth it and will do you good.

Release negative emotions

Try to avoid things that drain your energy. Avoid stress and unnecessary quarrels. In addition to getting hurt, these things will prevent you from seeing what is happening around you. Sure, good things happen, things that have to do with your goals and needs, but you may not see them because you are distracted by other situations or issues.

It is very important throughout this process to have the right priorities. Prioritize being happy. Yes, making a lot of money is good for you, but it should not be your only goal in life. After all, it’s more important to be happy. Focus more of your energy on being happy.

Image from Balazs Kovacs Images.

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