To Learn To Love Is To Be Willing To Let Go

To learn to love is to be willing to let go

Ownership and fear go against what it is to love. To experience this feeling in its entirety, it is necessary to liberate, let go, liberate ourselves from what is not ours. Everything we love has the property of being free, and is therefore short-lived and changeable.

When we love, we find it hard to let go of what we are clinging to. It is something we are prepared for until we go through the experience. Suddenly we have a situation where we are addicted, and we have strengthened this addiction without being aware of it.

Have you ever been afraid that a relationship would end? You probably have, and this situation creates discomfort and suffering. We begin relationships with lots of enthusiasm and excitement, and in that moment, everything seems perfect and eternal. However, the reality is different, because everything that begins tends to come to an end, changes and transforms.

Free person

We believe that there are permanent things. Therefore, we deceive ourselves with the belief that there are emotions that will always be there, that people never change and that situations will remain the same. All this is part of the story we want to tell ourselves so as not to have to face reality.

Have you not noticed how things around you change? Have you not noticed how you change? Your body, your circumstances, your attitudes and your experiences; everything changes over time. Undoubtedly, we live in continuous change.

Love is potentially one of the most important experiences that can affect us, so we want to value it, retain it and keep the feeling forever. Love is so. It is eternal while it lasts, although we must accept that it transforms and flows like water in a stream.

To love is incompatible with holding on. Freedom is an important part of the essence of love. This is one of the most important lessons we must learn if we are to fight the frustration, the bitterness, the suffering and even the hatred that emerges when we cling to something that no longer exists.

Love does not hurt. It is a feeling we enjoy and live with with excitement, enthusiasm and calm because we are with the person we love. It is a great inner peace and liberation in how we express our being. With this feeling, there is no room for suffering.

What happens when we love and it is not mutual? This common situation that generates so much pain can be used as an example that we have not learned to love. We become frustrated, not because we love, but because we have learned to love with conditions, expectations and claims to ownership.

We find it very difficult to accept that love ends. When the other person does not feel the same way, we feel hurt and sad. These feelings are part of our perception of love. By creating personal opinions that have nothing to do with love, we fall into self-destructiveness.

Frustration ceases when we understand our misconceptions of love: that we realize that freedom begins when we let go of everything that does not allow us to be free. Unfortunately, we cling to the idea of ​​how things should be, which disappoints us.

Woman by river

We get into trouble when we resist changes in love. We can reverse this situation through our ability to continue to love, by accepting the freedom to be loved, by letting ourselves let go. This experience is what can actually bring us closer to inner peace.

Learning to let go frees us. It gives us space to continue flowing, which in turn enables the process for the other person to follow their path. The one he has chosen and must follow. This is the most honest love test we ourselves and others can perform.

We love ourselves when we give ourselves the chance to start over and continue to be receptive to the chance to learn new ways of loving. Without internal blockages that torment, paralyze and destroy our natural ability to experience our emotions intensely.

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