To See With The Heart, A Lesson From The Little Prince

To see with the heart, a lesson from the Little Prince

In this article, we offer a beautiful piece from Little Prince that teaches you to see with your heart.

– Go and look at the roses; You now understand that yours is unique in the world. You will come back to say goodbye to me, and I will tell you a secret.

The little prince went to look at the roses and said:

– They are not at all like my rose. No one has tamed you and you have not tamed anyone. You are like my fox was, who in no way differed from a hundred thousand other foxes. But I made him my friend, and now he is unique in the world.

The roses felt uncomfortable as they listened to the little prince, who went on to say:

– You are beautiful, but you are empty and no one will die for you. Everyone who sees you will no doubt believe that my rose is the same as all of you. But she knows that she is more important than all of you because I have watered her, because it was her that I put under the lantern, because I have killed larvae (except two that turned into butterflies) for her, and it is her I heard complain, praise and sometimes be silent. Because she’s my rose.

And again he went back to the fox.

“Goodbye,” he said.

“Goodbye,” said the fox. Here is my secret, which could not be simpler: it is only with the heart that one can see right; what is most important is invisible to the eyes.

What is most important is invisible to the eyes, repeated the little prince so as not to forget.

– What makes your rose important is the time you spent on her.

– It’s the time I spent on her… repeated the little prince not to forget.

Little Prince teaches us to see with the heart

After retelling this fine piece from The Little Prince, today we will talk about  some of the most beautiful lessons that Saint-Exupéry shared with us.

First we must remember the importance of the small things, those that go unnoticed. We must give the little things the weight they deserve, for one day we will realize that they are our greatest achievements.

What is a little too many, is a lot for others, which is why we should appreciate the simple things, like a good morning kiss or a friendly gesture. Encourage your partner, your family and yourself to appreciate the little pleasures and notice that it is these that make us feel good and that make up the aroma of our memories.

Remember that just as the ocean consists of drops, a day consists of small seconds and a life of countless experiences. Love is formed by small details and you consist of the small experiences that make you unique.

Everyone is trying to do something great without realizing that life is made up of the most basic things. Be honest with your need to do the right thing at all times. Your inner voice will tell you that you do not need spectators to feel good about yourself.


More wisdom from Little Prince

But this beautiful piece from The Little Prince also has other wisdoms; one of the most important is that true beauty is on the inside. It is the only beauty that does not disappear, the only one that cannot be abducted, and that can only be discerned if you look into the eyes of the soul.

We all worry about how we appear and try to seem happy and not disturb the conventions that lock us in and do not let us show the world our true glory. But beauty is not measured in what we can see at a glance, because true beauty is an attitude.

The truth is that there is no makeup on the planet that can make an ugly heart beautiful. Realizing this is extremely important for your self-confidence.

Someone with inner beauty loves life and rises above their emptiness and negative emotions. This type of person is dedicated to enlarging their inner world and making it more comprehensive; not to cling to emotional comfort and selfish motives.

Be careful; Do not allow yourself to be hardened by the pain. Do not let the pain fill you with hatred and do not let bitterness control you. Create your own beauty – one that can not be defined in words – and develop yourself with small details.

For only with the heart can one see right; what is most important is invisible to the eye…

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