Types Of Self-destructive Behavior In Relationships

What are the self-destructive behaviors in romantic relationships? Discover the answer to this in this article!
Types of self-destructive behavior in relationships

If there is self-destructive behavior in relationships, the relationship can be destroyed.

Romantic relationships usually involve a bond between two people. That band is something you have to promote every day. This means that you are close to each other, which can lead to conflicts.

Dr. John Gottman is one of the pioneers in the study of self-destructive behavior in relationships.

After studying a large number of couples for many years, he claims that there are certain clear patterns regarding self-destructive behaviors that can predict whether a relationship is going well or not.

However, some relationships may seem fantastic. This is linked to a series of specific ingredients and behavioral patterns that can help predict how long a relationship will last and how good it will be.

Regardless of the type of relationship, there must be respect, consideration, honesty and communication.

If you are in a relationship with these ingredients then you will probably be happy. You may have some small quarrels now and then, but it will not be a big problem.

On the other hand, if you feel that some of these ingredients are missing, you may need to work more on these aspects with your partner.

Man and woman hugging.

Self-destructive behavior in relationships

As we mentioned above, some self-destructive behaviors predict that a relationship will not last.

In this article, we will address some that seem to be particularly relevant and have a direct impact on the cornerstones that hold a relationship together: respect, consideration, trust and communication.


Feeling contempt for your partner means seeing the other person as inferior to you. This can also lead to other behaviors such as humiliating, criticizing, humiliating and not showing respect for the partner at all.

If someone treats you this way often, it means that the person does not love you. You should then ask yourself if you should stay in the relationship.

Self-destructive behavior in relationships: to ignore

This is one of the most self-destructive behaviors out there. If you ignore your partner during an argument, it means that you avoid a person that you say you love.

A person who is ignored can feel extremely humiliated. In the long run, it will affect the person’s self-esteem.

He may even begin to think that he does not deserve his partner’s attention because he has done something wrong.

Destroy the person’s individuality

If you are in a relationship with a partner who tells you who you need to be, what you should do, who you should be friends with, etc., then this person is destroying your individuality.

When you love someone, you love the person for who he or she is. If your partner is trying to change you, he will not really love you.

Mutual dependence on self-destructive behavior in relationships

It is very important to be aware of something called interdependence. Some people can not get out of a relationship because he they feel they need the other person.

This leads to you enduring constant criticism for not being able to be alone.

But this also strengthens the spirit person because he sees that the partner is addicted. This is a very self-destructive behavior and it can be devastating for a relationship.

That you never make an effort

You should always be honest with your partner and be who you really are near the person. But there are also times when you have to give in.

For example, if your partner wants you to join a party, you should try this even if you do not feel that the party is so interesting.

Your partner should do the same for you. Then you can both show each other that you love each other.

Woman and man sitting on sofa.

Why do people stay in toxic relationships?

People often endure self-destructive behaviors for a long time. However, you need to remember that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, which is why you need to be flexible and tolerant with your partner.

The problem starts when this becomes a recurring problem and something defines your relationship. Stop and think about how you behave. Do you hold hands? Do you kiss? Are you arguing? This will say a lot about your relationship.

If you notice that your partner is exhibiting toxic behavior, then you need to weigh the pros and cons and be ready to leave the relationship if it turns out to be necessary in the end.

In most cases, people have a hard time making ends meet because they are afraid of being alone. Many believe that they will be left alone even though there are many who support them.

People also use certain thought patterns to trick themselves into staying with their partner.

A couple of examples of this are: “I’m sure the person will change” or “If I quit, the other person will find someone better.”

You must try to ignore these thoughts. They are the result of your fear of being alone.

The best thing you can do is stop fooling yourself and instead look at things objectively. Observe your relationship. When you do this, you will be able to make a decision whether you want to stay in the relationship or end it.

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