What Do You Know About Asperger’s Syndrome?

What do you know about Asperger's syndrome?

You may have heard people talk about Asperger’s syndrome. Maybe you know someone who has it, or you have it yourself.

Asperger’s syndrome falls under the autism spectrum. However, it can be easily distinguished from autism thanks to most studies conducted on the subject. The most obvious difference is the ability of individuals to be independent in adulthood compared to the typical person suffering from autism.

Asperger’s syndrome is one with an important genetic basis where brain structures are damaged. But what is

A child's brain

In other words , the brain of someone with Asperger’s works differently in many respects compared to someone who has not experienced any changes in their neurological development. We do not say that it is good or bad, but only talk about the differences in function when it comes to processing and perceiving information.

It’s kind of like they have other codes that they use to interpret the world and their environment. These codes make them live in a way that seems strange to some people. But who has not met someone who sometimes acts differently than expected? Even we sometimes perceive reality in a distorted way, which makes us act in ways that are strange to others.

Let’s be a little more specific and talk about the most typical traits of people with Asperger’s syndrome. A Spanish asperger’s organization points out the following:

  • Social discomfort and difficulty interacting with other children and / or adults. They can be naive and gullible.
  • They are often unaware of other people’s feelings and intentions, and often do not understand people’s emotional reactions.
  • They have great difficulty in achieving and maintaining a normal conversational rhythm. They are easily upset by transitions and changes in routine.
  • They interpret language literally. They do not understand sarcasm or metaphorical language; for them it is literal. For example, they would interpret the sentence “his heart does not fit in his chest” as meaning that his heart is so physically large that it does not fit in his chest.
Boy with boat
  • They are very sensitive to strong colors, light and flavors.
  • They tend to develop a strong interest or a fixation on a topic and become true experts on it. Many children with Asperger’s can look at a landscape for several minutes and completely reproduce it down to the smallest detail with incredible precision.
  • Their psychomotor skills are not very good, so they are usually not good at sports.
  • They often struggle to make and maintain friendships with people their age. This is largely due to the fact that they do not see the world in the same way, which frustrates them. The same thing happens to all of us when we do not fit in with others because our way of seeing and experiencing the world is different from theirs.

We must be able to look beyond this disability. People with Asperger’s often feel misunderstood. They feel like strangers in a world that operates according to rules that sometimes run counter to their own. They do not understand the meaning of many things we do.

Lonely boy

Therefore, we must make an effort to empathize with them and understand that the way they perceive reality is different from ours. And that does not mean good or bad – just different.

We live in a fantastic world where, fortunately, we are different and can learn from these differences. Differences that enrich our relationships and help us be more tolerant and throw aside the prejudices we carry with us.

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