What Is The Relationship Between Emotions And Obesity?

What is the relationship between emotions and obesity?

Obesity is a major health problem in the modern world. Science has still not been able to explain 100% of the microbiological processes that lead to obesity. We know there are many factors, but some of them are still a mystery. Today we will talk about the relationship between emotions and obesity.

We do not know for sure what level of obesity has reached around the world. The WHO calls it an epidemic, especially in countries such as the United States, Britain, Mexico and China, where the number of overweight people has doubled and in some cases tripled.

These situations have created myths about obesity. People associate it with a lack of self-control, even though it is not always true. Some people almost swallow themselves to death, but still do not lose weight. It is also associated with being ugly and unattractive. It is easy to see how emotionally charged the subject is.

People started studying how emotions affect obesity a few decades ago. Low calorie diets and constant exercise are not all that is required to get good results. This has led people to believe that there may be other factors, such as those that have to do with our subconscious.

From a strictly anatomical point of view, fat accumulation in the body does not always lead to obesity. The more fat there is, the heavier the person. It is obvious. What is not so obvious is whether an increase in the person’s fat is reflected in his or her general weight. As the fat process increases, muscle mass often decreases.

Obesity, three people

This means that the number of kilos that a person weighs does not necessarily reflect the amount of fat in the body. And losing weight does not mean looking slim. What people worry about is mostly not the weight of the body, but the shape of the body.

Fat that accumulates in some areas becomes visible and unaesthetic because we have an idea of ​​what a perfect figure is. Someone with a “love handle” or a protruding stomach can weigh as much as a person who is slimmer, but has more muscle.

The weight itself will not be a problem. What has a psychological effect on many people is the contrast between their figure and the “perfect” figure; in other words, the relationship between emotions and obesity.

According to Dr. Luis Chiozza, there is significant scientific evidence regarding weight gain. Some people tend to accumulate fat “easier”. Their bodies also show a special resistance to using the accumulated fat.

This Argentine doctor wants to establish the cause of this phenomenon. So he turned to the basic function of body fat: to act as a calorie or energy reserve.

Overweight man

This author indicates that there are subconscious “fantasies” that are associated with fluid retention in the body. He suggests that the accumulation of body fat from the beginning was an adaptive response to the possibility that hard times may arise.

We save on fat so that we have something to take away later if a need arises. For example, birds increase the amount of fat in their body before setting off on a tiring journey.

Fat accumulates in the human body as a result of the idea of ​​long-term fat reserves. This idea is linked to the concept that one should not need anything from anyone other than oneself, and thus be able to guarantee one’s own survival.

A change in body shape also agrees with a third fantasy. It is the fantasy of losing shape, or losing the ideal shape.

Dr. Chiozza stated that obesity can be a type of defense mechanism. It happens where there is an unconscious conflict related to a feeling of incompetence. Accumulated fat is a way to prepare ourselves for action. It is an act that we do not perform in the end because we are afraid of not being able to do it the right way.

The increase in overweight people can be a form of compensation for feeling defenseless. We can not cope with the feeling of feeling incompetent. The conflict is hidden in the relationship between emotions and obesity.

Let us distinguish between two things when it comes to obesity. There is a physical risk that some people run to become overweight, and there is also a psychological one that has to do with not following what society considers beauty.

Both of these situations normally exist at the same time. That is why a proper evaluation is required. A person’s motivation can therefore be used to his advantage so that the person follows a specific diet and exercise advice.

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