What Your Voice Mode Conveys To Others

What your voice mode conveys to others

Voice mode is one of the most influential elements in communication. There are factors in your voice that convey a (consciously or or unconsciously) message to the person you are talking to. Some of the factors that your voice mode conveys are sound level, speed, clarity, projection, etc.

Many people may say the same thing, but their voice can convey similar types of psychological information. It shows that there are both verbal and non-verbal sentences in all our words. The non-verbal part is harder to control, so it is also more genuine.

You can also find out a lot about how a person feels by examining the person’s voice position. Even if the person speaks in a language you do not know, you can find out how the person feels and thinks by listening to how he speaks. We will now give you five ideas on how to interpret what your voice mode conveys to others.

In a meeting at the office.

The Laboratory for Instrumental Communication Analysis at the Autonomous University of Barcelona conducted a study on voice and perception. They made some interesting discoveries, and here are some of them.

  • A deep voice mode implies maturity and creates trust in other people. It is also a mode used in marketing.
  • If a person’s voice is very deep, this on the other hand conveys a dark feeling.
  • A firm and determined voice makes you believe that the speaker is an important person.
  • Talking in a quiet voice makes others think that the person speaking is weak or strange.
  • People who have a very high voice position do not convey much credibility.

The voice is such a personal trait that it is nowadays used as a way of controlling identities. It can also be used as evidence in trials. It is as reliable as fingerprints.

Boy talking into microphone.

Other interesting facts that your voice mode conveys

Psychologists have tried to identify the hidden meaning behind different voice modes. We now have a large catalog of interpretations for these small details – the kind of details that are rarely noticed by most of us. Let’s look at some of them.


The way a person breathes when he talks gives you an idea of ​​how he lives.

  • Calm: the person talking is balanced.
  • Deep and constant: energy and activity.
  • Deep, constant and strong: suppressed anger.
  • Short and sweet: anxiety, worry.


This generally describes how a person interacts with himself and others:

  • Normal: self-control and an ability to listen.
  • High: weakness, selfishness and impatience.
  • Low: inexperience, the person feels inhibited.

Articulation or vocalization

Vocalization has to do with the person’s ability to be understood and the will to be understood:

  • Well defined. mental clarity, openness to communication.
  • In other words: betrayal or mental confusion.
  • Very clear: narcissism, suspense.
  • Striking: Aggressiveness, inhibition.


This will tell you about the person’s emotional state:

  • Slow: lack of interest, the person feels cut off from the world.
  • Fast: excitement, a desire to hide information.
  • Regular: the person holds back, pushes something down, feels unnatural.
  • Irregular: confusion, anxiety, impaired communication.
Meeting at the workplace.

The voice mode is like a stamp. Even if the person you are talking to is not an expert on the subject, he or she will unconsciously feel a message in the other person’s voice. And this message will shape the image you have of that person.

The voice mode also shows the type of relationship you want to have with someone else. So if it is cold and sharp, the person wants to establish distance. And if it is warm and friendly, the person tries to get closer. Voice mode defines which band you have.

It is also important to point out that a person’s voice can sometimes be different. But there are still some things that are always present, and it is the constant patterns that will give you information about someone’s personality or mood.

A good way to exercise self-awareness is to record yourself in different situations and then listen to how you sound. The voice mode is also a good tool for communication and for forming relationships. And that’s exactly why it’s a tool you should learn to use.

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